by Amazing 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • Amazing


    I am reading with amazement the comments about C-14 dating. Thankfully, Larc brought my older posts on this back to the top. I had lost rack of them. The JW beliefs are the most complex of my discussion below. Keep this important point in mind: The issue is not whether C-14 dating is perfectly accurate, but whether is reasonably demonstrates the WTS-JW beliefs to be in error - that is the core issue! Now, let’s take this from the top again:

    WTS-JW Belief: God created ‘life’ about 49,000 years ago. The earth could be much older, but had no life prior to 49,000 years. Humans were created at the end of the 6th creative day, and God has been in his Sabbath since then, or during the 7th creative day. Each creative day is said to be 7,000 years long or contain seven 1,000 year days with the 7th 1,000 year being an anti-typical Sabbath. The end of 6,000 years (during the 7th creative Sabbath day) was due to end in 1975, thus ushering in the Great Jubilee of 1,000 years of Christ’s Kingdom. All this was typically symbolized by Israel’s literal 49th-50th year Jubilee System where all debt was forgiven, land returned to the original owner, etc.

    More to the point, humans were created about the year 4,026 BCE or about 6,027 years ago. We are, according to earlier WTS beliefs 27 years into the Sabbath year of human existence, and the Great Jubilee of the 49,000th year since life began on earth.

    THEREFORE, according to WTS theology, the human race cannot be older than about 6,027 years [give or take some few years to account for the time since Eve was created before the 6th day being declared finished, and maybe a few other minor odds and ends of WTS ideology.

    NOW, enters modern science which discovers Carbon-14 dating, and demonstrates that there are humans who lived long before 4,026 BCE, and in fact live about 50,000 to 60,000 years ago. Also, other dating methods such as Potassium-Argon, etc. can date humans farther back, and many other life forms back millions of years.

    Whoa! Says Creationists who say that cannot be – and of course the WTS leaders chime right in because they have a stake in creationism and their odd dating beliefs. Soooo ... they discover that C-14 dating may be erroneous due to changes in the atmosphere, above ground nuclear testing in the 1940s and 50s, and other forms of contaminates that could altar the date arrived at using C-14. This makes the creationists, radical fundys and the JWs feel real good. And all those other dating methods are now suspect too in their minds because of contamination!

    THEN enters Amazing with a discussion of C-14 accuracy to about 60,000 years and then mentions Kennewick Man dated back to about 9,500 to 9,800 years, thus showing that humans lived long before the 4,026 BCE date assigned by the WTS system. I believe that six-of-nine and/or seven-of-nine brings in the issue that the Seattle times reported that varying ages of Kennewick Man between 7,500 and 9,500 years which raises questions about accuracy, and also cite Don Lindsay’s web page where he says that C-14 has inaccuracies due to polar bears eating seals, nuclear testing that changed atmospheric levels of C-14, and humans burning a lot of fossil fuel such as coal, petroleum, etc. that gets into the atmosphere.

    LET’s NOW MAKE SENSE OF THIS: First, C-14 decays at a precise and known rate, such that its half life is 5,730 years. It is accurate in dating dead organisms such as human remains back about 60,000 years, after which the levels of C-14 is so reduced that measurement is no longer meaningful. While alive, humans ingest C-14 via food and air. We pass C-14 out of our system and the body maintains a fairly constant rate of C-14. When we die, our tissue, which may have higher levels of C-14, or food remains in the bowels may be rich in C-14, etc. all breaks down into rapid decay. The C-14 decays at the same rate, but the C-14 contained in soft tissue and food remains will wash away from the body.

    The C-14 that is measured when dating humans is contained in the bones that remain. The bones, unlike soft tissue and food particles, remain intact and holds the C-14 in place as its decays.

    BUT, some say, what of contamination?! And, how come Kennewick Man has varying dates assigned to different bones?! Does this not show that C-14 dating is highly questionable? And what about Don Lindsay’s comments about the polar bears, the atmosphere, nuclear testing, and fossil fuel burning?

    Contamination in C-14 dating ALWAYS results in younger or more recent dates. In other words, when a dead organic material (a bone) is dated at 40,000 years using C-14, and then contamination is discovered, it means that the bone fragment must be older if the contamination is determined to be induced AFTER the death of the organism. What? Yes, Kennewick Man may have contamination at the fingers and feet that was deposited there by material flowing in the Columbia River from the older nuclear sites. WOW! So, if that contamination were accounted for then ... Kennewick Man could be much older than 9,500 years! BUT, he is at least 9,500 years old, and thus the WTS-JW belief along with other young earth creationists is shattered to pieces!

    Polar Bears: Yes, polar bears eat seals. Seals eat marine and submarine life forms that may not have C-14 in the same levels as land life forms. But, Polar Bears also breath air, and thus ingest C-14 from the same atmosphere as do humans and all other air breathing life forms. I do not know if Polar bear C-14 levels are maintained at the same rates as humans while alive, BUT, when dead, the C-14 in the bears decays at the same exact rate as C-14 anywhere else on the planet does. Again, if a Polar Bear ingests a lot of extra C-14 while alive, then dating the bear at say, 55,000 years would only mean that if the extra C-14 were removed, he would be older. This again, would defeat the WTS theory that non-human life began on earth no longer than 49,000 years ago.

    Atmospheric C-14: But what about above ground nuclear tests that released extra C-14 into the atmosphere in the 1940s and 50s? This issue raised the concern that caused re-calibration of measuring instruments. The C-14 in dead remains of organisms is calculated against the C-14 in the atmosphere. Taking this into consideration would cause specimen dating to again be older than first calculated if the C-14 levels in the atmosphere were lowered slightly accounting for nuclear fall-out. Also, above ground nuclear testing did not release nearly as much C-14 as is caused by routine solar cycles, so the calibration issue is only dealing with a relatively small % adjustment.

    Fossil Fuel Burning: I found Don Lindsay’s comment rather suspect. He cites fossil fuel burning in his section on inaccuracies inherent in C-14 dating, but then he goes on to admit that fossil fuel has no C-14 remaining in it. He makes no other point, thus leaving the reader to assume that fossil fuel somehow impacts C-14 accuracy. What? If no C-14 is present in fossil fuel, then how can it add C-14 to the atmosphere when burned? It cannot! So, citing fossil fuel burning is a useless exercise in typing.

    Other Methods: There are many methods to date a dead organisms. C-14 is a common and relatively accurate method that can be verified by using other methods such a Potassium-Argon, tree rings, historical records, Uranium isotopes, and others. When C-14 has proven to have errors in some cases, the adjusted dates yield results that show a life form was really older than first thought.

    Final Analysis: BUT, even if adjustments are needed up or down they will not affect one VERY IMPORTANT FACT and that is: Human life and other life forms lived long before the Watch Tower theory of 49,000 for non-human life forms and 6,027 years for human life. It is a proven fact! Even if a C-14 dating test on specific remains of a yields a range between 40,000 and 50,000 years due to inaccuracies and contamination! The adjustments would lean toward to older date. And even if the date was much younger, say 20,000 to 30,000 years for some human specimens, that still far exceeds the 6,027 Watch Tower years needed to support their theory of when humans first walked the earth. Thus, the Watch Tower belief system is shattered at its foundations.

    Simply Amazing

  • Abaddon

    Yup, what he said!


    Thanks for your posts Amazing.

    Only quibble I would make is that from the Bif Blue 'Creation' Book, they've soft pedelled the length of creative days. BUT, even though a Witness could accept that stuff created in the first five creative days was hugely old, they still, as you point out, get a nice bash in the goolies when it comes to the count of years since Adam.

    It shows that there were humans around WAY longer ago than Adam and Eve.

    To try and argue around this is to move away from literalism. I have noticed that even in the sick-pit that is WOL in the Science forum there are those who obviously believe things like 'god put minds in mokey-men' to get around the evidence of human existence prior to 6,000 years ago, but they are VERY careful about saying it lest they get linched by the literalist majority.

    Whether the top-feeders in Brooklyn ever start watering down their literalism is a good question. It WILL happen, as it has happened in every religous faith over time, but how long is moot.

  • CPiolo


    You've been the prolific poster the past couple of days. All fine posts! Thanks for the insight.


  • uncle_onion

    I printed off your reply Amazing and found it very informative and answered a lot of my questions. However I have a few more to ask you:

    1. What about the claim that Coal still has C14 in it when it is supposed to be 000s of years old?

    2. The shroud of turin C14 was meant to be highly out? (I have not done any research on this one but it was an arguement used by a Christian friend)

    3. What about the mouse head that I mentioned in my other posts that measured different readings on different parts of its skull?

    If poss can you e mail me?

    Uncle Onion

  • Amazing

    Hi Uncle: Hope my answers are helpful. While I have much experience in nuclear power, effects of radiation, etc., I am not a biologist or expert in dating methods. I regard C-14 dating highly because its decay is so very useful and predictable.

    You asked, 1. What about the claim that Coal still has C14 in it when it is supposed to be 000s of years old?

    The fact that coal still has C-14 in it does not bother me. C-14 has a half-life of 5,730 years. At 57,300 years the amount of C-14 remaining is at 0.09750% or about 1/1024th of its original levels. Some trace amounts of C-14 could still be present after a much longer time. Several other factors must be kept in mind about this: First, we need to know the amount of C-14 contained in coal vs human bone tissue. So, when we say 0.0975%, we need to understand this as a percent of what original amount. In other words, did I start with a 10 LB bag full of C-14 or a 1 LB bag of C-14? Dating coal by use of C-14 is different than say dating human bone fragments. Second, the age of the coal itself is a factor. While it takes a long time for coal to form, some coal is likely younger than other coal. Third, Contamination could result in C-14 deposits on or in the coal. All this would do is cause the measurements to show that the Coal is younger (newer) than it is. This goes to my argument that if we use C-14 to date a contaminated specimen, it will always yield a younger age. So, a contaminated human bone that yields an age of 50,000 years is likely much older if we were able to deduct the effects of the contamination. Thus, the human must have lived long before the year 4,026 BCE date assigned by the Watchtower to Adam and Eve. Fourth, while I do not know what specific methods are used to date coal, I am sure that it is not C-14, or at least C-14 is not the first choice to use. Coal is a product of hundreds of thounsands and millions of years in the making. I am sure that other methods, such as Uranium or Potassium-Argon that have extremely long half lives is a better way to determine the age of coal.

    You asked, 2. The shroud of turin C14 was meant to be highly out? I have not done any research on this one but it was an arguement used by a Christian friend)

    I am not sure what you mean by ... meant to be highly out, but if the Shroud was contamined with C-14, then it will make it appear much younger (newer) than it is. The oldest the Shroud can be is about 1,967 to 2,000 years. I have not read any recent Shroud data, but all accounts I have read argue that the shroud is much younger than the time of Christ, which would be consistent with any contaminated C-14 readings giving a younger age. I have never read any account that places the Shroud before the time of Christ.

    You asked, 3. What about the mouse head that I mentioned in my other posts that measured different readings on different parts of its skull?

    This is likely the result of different levels of C-14 contamination. This is often why you will see a range of ages with C-14 data due to variations in readings. Let's say on different parts of the mouse head you get ages of 5,000 years, 5,800 years, and 6,200 years. Obviously, the parts yielding younger ages either have contamination, or the mouse's skull somehow retained some variations in C-14 for some odd reason ... though this seems unlikely, as contanmination is more likely possibility. But, in this example, we know that the mouse is at least 6,200 years old or older because the last reading could also have had some contamination.

    You asked, If poss can you e mail me? yes, I will do that later on.

    Simply Amazing

  • Moxy

    in the case of turin, the apologists WANT it to be older so contamination is a good thing (pro-turin) for them not bad.

    you forgot the blanket argument that the noachian flood so changed the atmospheric composition that the pre-flood dates are likely out by orders of magnitude.

    this argument does not help refute the dating of the gaza pyramids to before the WTS date for the flood tho. gaza knocks out the flood and the rest of this simplistic blanket argument.


  • uncle_onion


    So are you saying that we dont know how much C14 we started with in a piece of coal but we do know how much we started with in a human bone?

    Also I have copied this from a site and would like your comments:

    Dating methods (currently Carbon-14) are cited as definitely proving that man has been on the earth for at least 30,000 years. This age for man conflicts with Biblical chronology which dates the beginning of man's existence on the earth about six thousand years ago.

    In order to critically appraise the claim that C-14 "definitely proves" the age of man to be at least 30,000 years, a description of C-14 dating is required:
    The C-14 method of dating is used to determine the age of vegetables and animal remains. The procedure rests on the fact that cosmic radiation in the upper atmosphere leads to the formation of a radioactive isotope of carbon with an atomic weight of fourteen, instead of the normal weight of twelve (C-14 instead of the normal C-12). Atmospheric carbon contains a small amount of radio-active C-14 which decays at a fixed known rate, but is continuously replaced by the formation of more C-14. The rate of breakdown is calculated in terms of the "half-life" which for carbon is 5,568 (plus or minus 30) years. After this amount of time, only half the original amount of C-14 will be left; after about 11,400 years, a quarter. Plants, by means of photosynthesis, and animals, by respiration and feeding on plants and one another, incorporate atmospheric carbon into their tissues, a process that is assumed to cease when the tissues die. As the C-14 disintegrates in the dead tissues and is not replaced, the ratio of non-radioactive carbon-12 to C-14 will slowly change, and its value at any time will depend on the time that has elapsed since the tissues died. Thus the age of the tissues can in principle be determined by comparing the ratio of non-radioactive carbon to C-14 in the tissue and in the atmosphere.1

    The C-14 dating method is only reliable if the general assumption of the uniformity of nature2 is valid. Uniformity of nature is the belief that present causes solely have operated in the past. Within this general assumption are two particular assumptions:
    That fossilized creatures when living had as much C-14 as similar things have today.3
    That the rate of decay of C-14 has remained constant (i.e., that the rate of decay has not changed in the interval from when the creatures lived to the present day).

    There are a number of technical problems involved in C-14 dating:
    It requires relatively small effects to change the level of C-14. For example the burning of coal and oil which contain virtually no C-14 has, during the past century, lowered the proportion of C-14 in the atmosphere by an amount equivalent to 400 years. The explosion of hydrogen bombs between 1955 and 1961 increased the amount of C-14 by an amount equivalent to 1500 years.
    The fossils are often contaminated by carbon from their surroundings - carbonates, humic acid, etc. Materials recovered from wet earth inevitably have been invaded by water containing carbonates, humic acid and even pitch. All these must be extracted from the sample with acid, alkali and organic solvents, and even after this some degree of contamination is possible.
    Chemical and/or biological changes may have been going on in the fossil over the centuries changing its composition. The amount of C-14 in a fossil (for example, 6,000 years old) is a very small part of the total carbon, and contamination can have a big effect. It is instructive to notice that ever since the radioactive methods of dating were introduced, almost 50 years ago, their supporters have manifested great confidence in them. Yet most of the ages determined by the uranium methods prior to 1940 and by the C-14 method prior to 1960 have been discarded because it was concluded that the methods then in use were unsatisfactory.

    Even if it be shown that there is a high degree of correlation between independent dating methods this does not in itself prove the age of man on the earth. The appearance of age may be due to the following factors:
    God's creation was in equilibrium, hence the appearance of age.4
    Conditions have not been uniform on the earth. The record in Genesis 1:6 states that on the second day the waters were divided into two parts, water below the heaven and water above the heaven. The accumulation of water "above the heaven" would form an outer band round the atmosphere. But this does not exist today, therefore it cannot be assumed that the cosmic ray intensity has been constant. Nor can it be assumed that there has been a stable equilibrium condition between atmospheric 14CO2 (Carbon-14 dioxide) and the reservoirs, primarily the oceans. Genesis 7:12; 8:2 state that in the great Noahic flood the heavens were opened for 40 days and presumably the above-the-heaven water returned to the earth. (Vast quantities of water are now stored as ice in the frozen polar regions.) The blanket of water vapour around the earth prior to the flood would be expected to reduce the ionising power of the sun's rays and the amount of C-14 in living things would be less than now.5 If C-14 in living things was less than it is now, then the geologists' assumption of the uniformity of nature and hence the age postulated for fossils on the basis of these dating methods will be erroneous - the original amount of C-14 being smaller than they calculate.6
    The rate of decay of C-14 may also have been different under conditions before the Noahic flood.

    See John Watts, "Carbon 'Fourteen' Dating", in "The Bible and Modern Thinking - Assent or Dissent?" The Testimony, Vol. 35, No. 417 (Sept. 1965), 352-353. Return

    Lyell, sometimes referred to as "the high priest of uniformitarianism" and author of the famous textbook, Principles of Geology, wrote: " . . . all theories are rejected which involve the assumption of sudden and violent catastrophes . . . " Charles Lyell, Principles of Geology, 11th. ed. rev., (New York: D. Appleton and Co., 1892), 1,317-318. Uniformitarianism has been accepted in all major centers of scientific learning. Darwin built his theory of organic evolution upon the uniformitarian foundation which Lyell had laid. But the Apostle Peter denounces uniformitarianism (i.e., the belief that "all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation" 2 Peter 3:4). He cites God's divine intervention in the violent catastrophe of the Noahic flood (2 Peter 3:6) as evidence of its falsity. Return

    This assumption was noted at a conference of radiocarbon experts: "Throughout the conference emphasis was placed on the fact that laboratories do not measure ages, they measure sample activities. The connection between activity and age is made through a set of assumptions . . . one of the main assumptions of C-14 dating is that the atmospheric radiocarbon level has held steady over the age-range to which the method applies." Science Digest, (Dec. 10, 1965), p. 1490. Return

    The record in Genesis presents Adam as a fully developed man when newly made. Similarly the birds, animals and plants were created full grown. This implies that the soil in which the plants were to grow was already formed. Similarly the ocean would contain the salt and other chemicals to support its marine life. In other words, there must have been an equilibrium among the innumerable and complex interrelationships between the plant and animal kingdoms, the organic and inorganic realms. This can only mean that the world when created had the appearance of age. Obviously the apparent age of the world would not be the same as the real or actual age of the world. Return

    Science Digest of Dec. 1960 reported that if the C-14 level in the atmosphere has not remained steady, " . . . it would most certainly ruin some of our carefully developed methods of dating things from the past . . . If the level of C-14 was less in the past, due to a greater magnetic shielding from cosmic rays, then our estimates of the time that has elapsed since the life of the organism will be too long." p. 19. Return

    See G. Pearse, "The Weakness of Science Concerning the Origin of Man", Logos, Vol. XXXII, No. 12, (Nov. 1966), 411-419. Return

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  • Amazing

    HI Uncle: I will do my best to answer your questions:

    "So are you saying that we dont know how much C14 we started with in a piece of coal but we do know how much we started with in a human bone?"

    Coal is an amalgamation of substances, such as vegatable decay, etc. that took millions of years to form. It is not like a more recent bone specimen that still has much of its original form intact. Coal can, as anything else, be contaminated with C-14 from other factors not related to its age. It is more difficult to say how much C-14 was present when a piece of coal began to form.

    Your site quotation: "Problem: Dating methods (currently Carbon-14) are cited as definitely proving that man has been on the earth for at least 30,000 years. This age for man conflicts with Biblical chronology which dates the beginning of man's existence on the earth about six thousand years ago."

    The Bible is not a book of science, and exhibits several problems when people attempt to place scientific interpretation on its texts. It is at best a history of the Jews and early Christians. I would not consider using the Bible to determine the age of the human species.

    The site continued, "Solution: In order to critically appraise the claim that C-14 "definitely proves" the age of man to be at least 30,000 years, a description of C-14 dating is required:"

    Okay so far.

    Continued, "The C-14 method of dating is used to determine the age of vegetables and animal remains. The procedure rests on the fact that cosmic radiation in the upper atmosphere leads to the formation of a radioactive isotope of carbon with an atomic weight of fourteen, instead of the normal weight of twelve (C-14 instead of the normal C-12). Atmospheric carbon contains a small amount of radio-active C-14 which decays at a fixed known rate, but is continuously replaced by the formation of more C-14. The rate of breakdown is calculated in terms of the "half-life" which for carbon is 5,568 (plus or minus 30) years. After this amount of time, only half the original amount of C-14 will be left; after about 11,400 years, a quarter. Plants, by means of photosynthesis, and animals, by respiration and feeding on plants and one another, incorporate atmospheric carbon into their tissues, a process that is assumed to cease when the tissues die. As the C-14 disintegrates in the dead tissues and is not replaced, the ratio of non-radioactive carbon-12 to C-14 will slowly change, and its value at any time will depend on the time that has elapsed since the tissues died. Thus the age of the tissues can in principle be determined by comparing the ratio of non-radioactive carbon to C-14 in the tissue and in the atmosphere.1"

    Okay so far.

    Continued: "The C-14 dating method is only reliable if the general assumption of the uniformity of nature2 is valid. Uniformity of nature is the belief that present causes solely have operated in the past. Within this general assumption are two particular assumptions:
    That fossilized creatures when living had as much C-14 as similar things have today.3 That the rate of decay of C-14 has remained constant (i.e., that the rate of decay has not changed in the interval from when the creatures lived to the present day)."

    Yikes! Here is where thier credibility starts to sink. The initial assumptions are okay to a point, but reflects weakness. No one I know of preseumes that nature has always operated the same for hundreds of thousands to millions and billions of years. Much has changed and evolved. Species come and go, and planetary conditions change as well. But, the last part of their claim gives them away.

    radioactive isotopes are inherantly unstable and hence they decay and transmute to other elements, and eventually become stable atoms of non-radioactive elements. C-12 is a stable element that does not decay. Human bodies maintain a nearly constant ratio of C-12 to C-14. Extra C-14 taken in passes out through bowel movement, hair, skin, and nail shedding, etc. C-14 is always decaying.

    The reason that we maintain a constant ratio is that we replace C-14 by ingestion through food and air. When a human dies, C-14 is not longer replaced, and the level of C-14 start to decline because it can only do one thing, decay. C-14 decays at a known and constant rate. The claim that C-14 may not always have decayed at the same rate is wrong. If a radioactive element changes its decay rate, it must have then become another element. C-14 does not go through the same transmutations as say, Uranium and other isotopes.

    Continued, "There are a number of technical problems involved in C-14 dating: It requires relatively small effects to change the level of C-14. For example the burning of coal and oil which contain virtually no C-14 has, during the past century, lowered the proportion of C-14 in the atmosphere by an amount equivalent to 400 years. The explosion of hydrogen bombs between 1955 and 1961 increased the amount of C-14 by an amount equivalent to 1500 years."

    But, the human body passes C-14 and maintains over time a relatively stable ratio between C-14 and C-12. So what if the atmosphere has fluctuations in C-14. Also, the impact of -400 years and +1500 years results in a net change of +1100 years, meaning, that objects will appear younger than they are if the levels of C-14 ingested have changed ratios to C-12. That is, more C-14 in the Atmosphere mean that living organisms ingest more and over time the ratio of C-14 increases to C-12. So, a human specimen that was measured at 50,000 years is now actually 51,100 years old (50,000 + 1,100 years). What is gained in their logic? This still refutes the claim by Bible Thumpers that the first humans appeared only 6,027 years ago!

    Continued, "The fossils are often contaminated by carbon from their surroundings - carbonates, humic acid, etc. Materials recovered from wet earth inevitably have been invaded by water containing carbonates, humic acid and even pitch. All these must be extracted from the sample with acid, alkali and organic solvents, and even after this some degree of contamination is possible."

    C-14 Contamination of human bones means that more C-14 will be present. So, a human dated at 50,000 years may be older IF the contamination can be identified and removed. So what!

    Continued, "Chemical and/or biological changes may have been going on in the fossil over the centuries changing its composition. The amount of C-14 in a fossil (for example, 6,000 years old) is a very small part of the total carbon, and contamination can have a big effect."

    I am not sure what biological changes are going on in ancient dead bone fragments and fossils, but let's address this anyway. Okay, lets say that a fossil have lost 99% of its C-14, such that it is about 60,000 years old. But, some time before living humans discover the fossil, a bag full of C-14 comes rolling down the hill and lands right on the fossil. (Keep in mind that fossils are usually not exposed to contamination as they are often buried in rock etc., but we will let that slide.) And now enter humans who start measuring C-14 and date the fossil at 30,000 years. Keep this majopr point in mind, C-14 contamination ALWAYS results in dating a specimen at more recent ages. Removal of contamination ALWAYS results in causing the specimen to date at older ages.

    The BIG question no one seems to ask is: Can any function of nature cause a premature reduction of C-14 in a dead specimen? This would necessitate either an increased decay rate of C-14 which is not going to happen. Or, it means that some phenomenon of nature goes into bone remains and targets C-14 and somehow removes C-14. I know of no scientific basis for this happening, or scientist who is going to make such allegations.

    Continued, "It is instructive to notice that ever since the radioactive methods of dating were introduced, almost 50 years ago, their supporters have manifested great confidence in them. Yet most of the ages determined by the uranium methods prior to 1940 and by the C-14 method prior to 1960 have been discarded because it was concluded that the methods then in use were unsatisfactory."

    Well, shucks Sherlock, everyone familiar with C-14 knows about the recalibration adjustments needed prior to 1960 to account for increased atmospheric C-14. I acknowledged this in prior posts, but I also stated that the differential is not significant. For scientists, the difference is important for accuracy, but we are talking a 1500 year difference in calibration against specimens dated at 30,000, or 40,000, or 50,000 years! for God's sake. That is about a 3% to 5% error rate, hardly worth mentioning when the religious claims that humans lived only 6,027 years ago.

    Continued, "Even if it be shown that there is a high degree of correlation between independent dating methods this does not in itself prove the age of man on the earth."

    Whoa! Stop the presses a minute! Think about what they just said above and see if you can tell if they are reaching on this one. Of course we cannot PROVE the age of humans as to a specific date, such as January 1, 50,009 BC. C-14 DOES provide an accurate determination of how old a SPECIFIC human fragment is. And the FACT that this fragment is dated between say, 40,000 and 50,000 years to account for errors in contamination, etc. still far exceeds the 6,027 date that religious people place on humans. Also, when cross verification does show that a specimen of a human fragment is about the age of 50,000 years, this does show a high degree of confidence that the dating is accurate. BUT. there is never any intention by scientists to say that PROVES how old the human race is! Evolution is going cause some level of uncertainity in exactly when Homo Sapiens arrived. What is ACCURATE though, is the specific specimen being dated. And that does PROVE that a specific human DID live long before fundamentalists say.

    Continued, "The appearance of age may be due to the following factors: God's creation was in equilibrium, hence the appearance of age.4"

    Now we are staring to use plausibilities and talk about God's magic hand. When we move from science to magic, then all bets are off and we can justify anything without evidence. Okay, so now God magically makes everything appear to be hundreds of thousands to millions and billions of years older than they really are so he can have this all-important equalibrium, and fool scientists in the 21st Century. WOW!

    Continued, "Conditions have not been uniform on the earth. The record in Genesis 1:6 states that on the second day the waters were divided into two parts, water below the heaven and water above the heaven. The accumulation of water "above the heaven" would form an outer band round the atmosphere. But this does not exist today, therefore it cannot be assumed that the cosmic ray intensity has been constant. Nor can it be assumed that there has been a stable equilibrium condition between atmospheric 14CO2 (Carbon-14 dioxide) and the reservoirs, primarily the oceans."

    OH GOD!!! Now the Bible is brought in as the science authority to bolster an already weak argument. I did a Flood Series on H20 sometime back, and even in my clumsy way was able to use basic math and engineering to show that the Flood was not global and could not have happened, unless of course God's magic hand messed everything up. And others with more expertise in geology and earth science have done a far better job than I at refuting the global flood claims by religious people today.

    Continued, "Genesis 7:12; 8:2 state that in the great Noahic flood the heavens were opened for 40 days and presumably the above-the-heaven water returned to the earth. (Vast quantities of water are now stored as ice in the frozen polar regions.)"

    I won't get into this as I did before. But, even if we melted all the ice on earth, this would not significantly elevate the water levels on earth. The polar cap at the north pole, if melted, would have little effect because it is a displacement issue. The South pole cap and mountains throughout the world would add to water levels, but there is just not enough water for there to have been a global flood.

    Continued. "The blanket of water vapour around the earth prior to the flood would be expected to reduce the ionising power of the sun's rays and the amount of C-14 in living things would be less than now.5"

    The flood did not happen, get used to it. And what of the reduction in C-14 if indeed there were a water canopy? There are other methods that can be used to date human remains besides C-14. But, let's say that such a canopy existed, it did not last long acording to fundamentalists because God created the earth and all living things in 6 days. So, let them factor that minute change into their wild theory.

    Continued, "If C-14 in living things was less than it is now, then the geologists' assumption of the uniformity of nature and hence the age postulated for fossils on the basis of these dating methods will be erroneous - the original amount of C-14 being smaller than they calculate.6"

    Okay, let's reduce the effects of the water canopy for 6 days since creation until Adam, and then since Adam until Noah. What effect would this have? I doubt that it would make much difference. But, this is all ridiculus because this fantasy about the Flood is not worth factoring into science. We may as well try to factor in the effects of the Roman God Jupiter and his mucking around with the human race.

    Continued, "The rate of decay of C-14 may also have been different under conditions before the Noahic flood."

    Wrong! and this goes to show the pure mental gymnastics fundamentalists will go through to try and grasp at straws. C-14 decays at a given and precise rate. Notice they say 'may have been different' because they have no facts or evidence to show otherwise, or they would use them.

    Continued, "This assumption was noted at a conference of radiocarbon experts: "Throughout the conference emphasis was placed on the fact that laboratories do not measure ages, they measure sample activities. The connection between activity and age is made through a set of assumptions . . . one of the main assumptions of C-14 dating is that the atmospheric radiocarbon level has held steady over the age-range to which the method applies." Science Digest, (Dec. 10, 1965), p. 1490. Return"

    IN geological terms, 50,000 years is very short and the levels of C-14 would not be significantly different 50,000 years ago from what they are today. The above quote is correct, but its use is misleading because the inplication is that C-14 levels is making major fluctuations during and since humans appeared on earth. If you talk to the scientists who attended that above mentioned conference, they are talking about C-14 changes over much longer periods, and the degree of accuracy affecting C-14 dating today. But, the margins of error, even if we are most conservative, would still yield results of humans being far older than a mere 6,027 years that the WTS and other fundys claim. AND that is the point.,

    Continued, "The record in Genesis presents Adam as a fully developed man when newly made. Similarly the birds, animals and plants were created full grown. This implies that the soil in which the plants were to grow was already formed. Similarly the ocean would contain the salt and other chemicals to support its marine life. In other words, there must have been an equilibrium among the innumerable and complex interrelationships between the plant and animal kingdoms, the organic and inorganic realms. This can only mean that the world when created had the appearance of age. Obviously the apparent age of the world would not be the same as the real or actual age of the world."

    Again, God's magic hand used to bolster a scientific debate.

    Continued, "Science Digest of Dec. 1960 reported that if the C-14 level in the atmosphere has not remained steady, " . . . it would most certainly ruin some of our carefully developed methods of dating things from the past . . . If the level of C-14 was less in the past, due to a greater magnetic shielding from cosmic rays, then our estimates of the time that has elapsed since the life of the organism will be too long." p. 19."

    IN scientific terms a change of 10% or 20% is serious. But, if for example, a specimen dated at 50,000 years was really 40,000 years because of reduced C-14 in an earlier age, then this is a 20% change. But in terms of a 6,027 years of human existence that fundies like to claim, this serious "error" according to science make no difference. This quote is used by fundies in a misleadsing way because they do not truthfully examine the real meaning of what the Journal's writer implies.

    It is all Simply Amazing

  • uncle_onion

    Thanks Amazing. Dont forget to write!:-)


  • lookingnow22

    Here's something that pissed me off a few weeks ago. I've known for a long time that the society has to discount the credibility of Carbon dating to maintain their beliefs. But, at the same time they use it when it serves their purpose, or appeals to their target audience. This is a quote from a recent book study in the "Is There a Creator Who Cares About You" book.

    *** ct 108-9 7 What Can You Learn About the Creator From a Book? ***
    All of that came true. The histories recorded by Jesus’ contemporaries—Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John—bear out that what Isaiah had foretold did in fact occur. Some of the events took place after Jesus’ death, so the situation was not one he could have manipulated. (Matthew 8:16, 17; 26:67; 27:14, 39-44, 57-60; John 19:1, 34) The total fulfillment of Isaiah’s Messianic prophecy has had a powerful effect on sincere Bible readers over the centuries, including some who formerly did not accept Jesus. Scholar William Urwick notes: “Many Jews, in committing to writing the reason of their conversion to Christianity, acknowledged that it was the perusal of this chapter [Isaiah 53] which had shaken their faith in their old creed and teachers.”—The Servant of Jehovah.
    Urwick made that comment in the late 1800’s, when some might still have doubted whether Isaiah chapter 53 had been written centuries before Jesus’ birth. However, discoveries since then have essentially removed any basis for doubt. In 1947, a Bedouin shepherd near the Dead Sea discovered an ancient scroll of the entire book of Isaiah. Experts in ancient writing dated the scroll as being from 125 to 100 B.C.E. Then in 1990, a carbon 14 analysis of the scroll gave a date of between 202 and 107 B.C.E. Yes, this famous scroll of Isaiah was already quite old when Jesus was born. What does comparing it with modern Bibles reveal?

    Ahhhh, so now C14 is good. I HATE self-serving, wishy-washy arguments. I'm not saying that I doubt the dead sea scrolls, just their arguing using C14.

    I'm just looking

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