I have been shunned!

by shera 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • Swan

    We hold such power over them. That's the fun part.

    when we met in the coffee shop my daughters father did this little dance shuffle, backwards to get out of my way...Even a few weeks back when he picking something up from here for my daughter they had to get him to carry it(this happened before I knew I was a shunnee) he peeked around the corner of my door and took a weak step in..he leaned a bit couldnt reach what he was trying to pick up,then he took another step..leaned...still couldnt get it...I was watching him like..good gawd!!

    It's ironic that as a shunned woman you have more power over a JW male than you did as a sister.


  • DanTheMan
    Do they really think this is showing me love and make me want to come crawling back to this pathic mind controlling cult

    Excellent point. Their only interest is in punishing you, to get you to come crawling back to their collective mental prison. They hate the cognitive dissonance that your presence induces in their minds.

  • Shakita

    ****Mrs. Shakita doing a happy dance because Shera is doing one!

    I am so glad that you aren't letting this crap get to you, good for you!

    Mrs. Shakita

  • shera

    Thankyou all for your responses and a good laugh at the same time.


  • Teela

    My old witnesses have the good sense to say well away from me. But in the local hardware store, ( I do woodwood for a hobbie) I ran into one of the elders. It was a wonderful one way conversation. Ask him how he was, he looked straight ahead. Mentioned I was sorry to hear about his son (killed himself). He looked staright ahead, as we were at the counter and I was speaking in a loud voice people were staring. Asked him if there was a problem that he wasn't speaking to me and which point he left the store without purchasing anything and about five people all watching him leave, looking puzzled.

  • shera

    They must hate it when we won't play by thier rules.... aweeeee

  • freein89

    Welcome to the great crowd of the shunned. Sounds like you are taking it well.

    You must be very brave, when I was first shunned, I was alternately angry and weepy what a ride!


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