Here is the link for the program :
Its the 3 program in Sweden, this year.
by Nordic 11 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
Here is the link for the program :
Its the 3 program in Sweden, this year.
I tella.
I can't thank these guys enough for doing this 3rd show.
Kicking out a JW who has been abused. That has to be the badest PR. You would have thought they learned their lesson when they kicked Bill Bowen and Barb Anderson out but oh noooooo .....
.... give us more amo.
Well done everyone.
Is there a translation of this anywhere? That sure would be helpful.
Can someone translate the story?
The closest I could find was Bork Bork Bork on Google. (Remember the Swedish Chef in the Muppets?)
The closest I could find was Bork Bork Bork on Google.The closest I could find was Bork Bork Bork on Google.
It's cool that they're paying such close attention to this in Sweden. Avalanches always start small.......
Exploateringen av landets guldfyndigheter leder till mord, tortyr, miljöförstöring och förstört dricksvatten, men företrädare för företagen säger sig inte känna till något av det. Vi följer upp hur företaget agerat efter att programmet om Ghana sändes i februari
Mmmm, Fascinating....I guess
Couldn't find any swedish > english sites either.
Oh well. Someone will do a translation soon. :)
Ignored One.