If after all the years of being shunned by family , friends , would you forgive or forget them and all the misery they handed you, or maybe let them think about it for somtime before YOU TALKED TO THEM AGAIN. Of course this can only happen FREELY if they left the org.
Would you forgive the shunners?
by nojw86 13 Replies latest jw friends
Of course I would forgive them. In fact, I forgave them long ago, although they still want nothing to do with me.
Think of the following citations:
"Forgive them, for they know not what they do."
"Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us."
"Forgive not seven times, but seven times seventy."
Forgiveness of organizations is a different story. The WTBTS would first have to print seven years of detailed apologies and then liquidate itself with the assets going to current and former members. I might consider forgiving them at that point. Maybe.
Yeah I would forgive them...........I am a newly shunned person, I have not done anything 'wrong' except to stop attending. This has only further endorsed to me what a very odd religion I have been involved in...........strange.
When I said I loved them, I meant it.
Absolutely Yes,
Forgiveness is essential to happiness and peace. That is why disfellowshipping is so ludicrous in the first place.
How in the world can humans determine heart conditions and make judgements about when a sinner becomes a practicer of sin.
Yes. I will be the one who is Christlike and forgive.
"I'm not a woman to be honked at." -- Maureen O'Hara, The Quiet Man
Forgive them? Of course! Why would I want to engage in a practice that I find despicable and ludicrous? Besides, they are not doing it out of malice, but rather because they sincerely believe that shunning is necessary to "turn the sinner from his evil ways" and bring him/her back to salvation. If they should ever wake up to reality, why would I want to shun them in return?
Ditto, ditto, ditto, ditto, ditto!
Well, OK, but I was always taught that one was not obliged to forgive where there was no repentence.
Of course there are exceptions, take You Know for instance. He loves to go 'postate baitin', and I've learned not to swallow the worm, but the fact that he does not elevate himself to shunning level makes him infinitely more cuddly than your average dub.
i agree with everyone here, i would forgive them. my best friend shunned me for 6 yrs. then she got in contact with me again, i was jumping around the living room, so happy that she finally woke up that day i will never forget. i just hope my sis and bro will wake up soon and realize how ridiculous/hurtful/disgusting shunning is.
harmony -
Forgive? Of course. Are we not better people for having broken free from that hate inciting religion. Besides, were we at one any better than those who choose to shun us? Not me.
'To avoid criticism, say nothing, do nothing, be nothing'