Class Distinction Within The JW Community?

by Latin assassin from Manhattan 40 Replies latest jw friends

  • Latin assassin from Manhattan
    Latin assassin from Manhattan

    Has anyone noticed that JWs who appear to be higher up on the 'socio-economic' ladder get special treatment at the KH?

    No matter how many KHs I've visited, I've noticed that JWs who are not well off socially/financially/physically are treated with less respect/dignity than those with a business of their own, or just a higher quality of life.

    I've been to many 'gatherings' where JWs filter themselves out according to race or socio-economic standing. Many times, it was too obvious to ignore.

    Though JWs claim to be different than the 'world' in every way, they often have a way of making people feel like they need to fit in. Single mothers and wives with 'unbelieving' husbands get the worst of it. Imagine a single mother who works all day, busting her ass to bring her kids up the right way, struggling to make ends meet, and decides that perhaps things will be better as a JW. She sacrifices her time, energy and even the little money she has to find her place among JWs only to find that she has become nothing more than the topic of conversation at get-togethers she is never invited to, and her children are treated with less dignity simply because they are poor or have a father who is alcoholic.

    In contrast, JW families who appear to have their s--t together often get invited everywhere, and their children are never reminded of how they live. 'Regular Pioneers' get even better treatment, because they get more time on stage during local JW talks and larger conventions. They get invited to spend time or travel with others have money to burn and they get financial help from the elders.

    Of course, when you talk to a JW about this, they blame it on human imperfection. But considering the image they create to the world this is inexcusable. It makes no sense for a JW to spend time luring people into their organization only to filter them out according to their position in life.

  • minimus

    I can attest to that. The more money a person has, the more ranking he will recieve. If you have money and position then you are clearly going to be a success. If you are poor and have very little to offer, you will be overlooked........Nothing is different from the world.

  • Mary

    Ah yes Minimus, but ours is far more complicated that the world's social ladder. Let's go through it step by step:

    1. At the top of the Social Order of Things within the congregation, is of course, the Presiding Overseer and his family. The wife is considered the First Lady and she knows absolutely everything that is going on in the congregation, except for the fact that her teenage son is doing drugs and masturbating 6 times a day, and that her daughter has a second wardrobe at school that resembles a hooker walking the Champs Elysees on New Year's Eve. She doesn't work outside of the home but she does go out in Service every Wednesday morning where she prays to Jehovah that whoever is taking the group doesn't stick her with anyone over the age of 60 or that black single mother who misses half the meetings because she has to work three jobs to support her family.

    2. Next are the other elders and their families looming near the top. The brothers are usually a bunch of borderline alcoholics who don't really like their wives that much because they're always bugging them to make more money so that they can have the very latest of Martha Stewarts designs in the house. Some of their wives work, some don't. It depends on how much money their husbands managed to cheat their worldly siblings out of when the parents died. Those that don't work outside the home might get together once a week for a "power breakfast" where they sit there for 3 hours and gossip about the other elder's wives who aren't there. At least half of them are either bulimic or a bunch of lushes. They're tired of having sex with their husbands but would cut his balls off in an instant if he even thinks about another woman. Their Visa cards are racked up to the max, but it's worth it to have another woman's envy.

    3. Then come the wannabees and kiss asses. These are usually those that want to be an MS because they KNOW how to handle the mikes now and they really feel that they can move on to bigger and better things. They go out in Service all the time just to show how spiritual they are, and they ask those in higher positions what their opinion is on EVERYTHING. This shows that they will do as they're told and that they are already practicing Elder Worship, a definite boost in climbing the social ladder. Generally speaking, these wannabees are useless in school and at their present jobs where their co-workers laugh at them. They want a "position" where they can finally look down on everyone else, and find out some interesting info on everyone in the Hall too. They are at every single meeting.

    4. Pioneer sisters. This is the only way for a single sister to have any sort of social prominence in the congregation and is a good excuse not to have to work full time. It also helps if you develop either fibromyalga or chronic fatigue syndrome; that way, you can get a disability cheque every month so you don't have to work at all! Pioneering is also a good way to try and land a husband. Your position also means that you will get invited out to people's homes for supper because they feel sorry that you're still single and glad that you don't have enough brains to go get a real job.

    5. Rank & File Family. This is the area that varies the most. The husband works full time and if necessary, so does the wife. They attend most meetings just to keep the elders off their backs but secretly feel like telling them to get stuffed. The mother is told what rotten, uncontrollable children she has and the father is constantly questioned as to why he doesn't keep up with getting his 10 hours in Service every month. Doesn't he want to advance in Jehovah's Organization?? The wife is councelled that perhaps she should quit her job and spend more time watching her children, so that her daughter doesn't come home pregnant by some worldly boy. The R&F Family are invited out on an average of one or maybe two times every two months.

    6. Slackers, Single Parents and Non-Pioneering Welfare Families. These people are the lowest of the low. Missing meetings on a regular basis does not make you very popular. In fact, everyone else in the congregation looks down on you and will generally avoid you like the Plague unless they are unfortunate enough to have you as a Householder one night. No one will offer to invite you over for dinner because you or one of your kids might steal something out of the house. No one wants to sit close to you at any of the meetings, and will never think to call you unless it's to invite you to a Shower that they're having a hard time getting anyone else to come to. Pioneering is a waste of your time and effort. There is no point in you even trying harder, because everyone knows that Jehovah does not want losers like you in the New System.

  • Analysis

    I must be in a congregation / area outside the norm. I think every congregation is really quite different. I have never met a First Lady of the Congregation. Elder wives are for the most part are very humble in my area.

    Our PO, is a Pioneer and his wife supports him. I really don’t think she in anyway thinks or acts like the First Lady. Our sister Congregation, the PO is rather well off and his wife is a really down to earth person.

    Because of the area no one in the Congregation is living off of Food Stamps. Yes Social Groups exist, but it has more to do with friendships. I think people actually separate themselves by their own actions or lack there of.

  • Maverick

    You know this is true. I saw how the "beautiful people" hung together and looked down their perfect noses at the rest of us sub-humans! Maverick

  • pettygrudger

    I can attest to this as well. When we moved to an VERY affluent area (we moved in with grandma to help take care of her - her house was over 100 years old - and then these "mansions" sprang up around us).

    Anyways, we were dirt poor. My mother had 4 children at the time (2 more to come later) and an unbelieving mate. We were shunned pretty much from day one. Not a single elder or elder's wife took interest in my mother, even when she worked SOOOOO damn hard to be as good a witness as she could - ALWAYS out in service, ALWAYS attending all the meetings. Wasn't good enough. At the time, a couple of the elder's wives like to arrange "get togethers" for all the JW children - our family was NEVER invited. I did befriend a couple of elder daughters eventually, and they would allow me to tag along with them even though I wasn't invited. Oh how wonderful those experiences were!!! But, the way the adults treated our family - it just further instilled a sense of unworthiness in me, a feeling that was so deeply ingrained that I grapple today. In fact, even after I had begun auxiliary pioneering at 15, one of the most snobbish elder wife actually told my friends that she thought I was spiritually "weak", and they should avoid associating with me (and here I was counseling at least 1 of them who was heading down a wrong path). Still makes me sad when I think about it.

    It is human nature for sure - but you are right - in God's "true" organization, this behavior would be hardly noticeable - just another indicator of a false religion.

  • mommy1

    I know in the hall my family went to there was. When my Mom first came in the early seventies she said everyone was loving poor or well off. They would have bridal and baby showers and not put their names on the gifts. they would just write from "one of your Sister's" on the card. They would have covered dish get togethers and picnics. then in the early eighties the area we lived in started to be developed and with it the affluent witnesses started moving in. Before everyone in the congrgation was invited to everything wedding,picnic or what ever. Then it changed to invitation only.

    My Mom said she really started to have doubts around that time about the love in the congregation. She still remembers the last hall picnic she actually was invited to and how they made her feel like crap. We didn't have any money at the time, and my Mom made potatoe salad as a covered dish. then sister moneybags says to my Mom "Is that all you brought, you only brought this?" My Mom said she was so embarrassed . We were so poor at the time she did the best she could. My dad would not let her work and we had nothing to eat hardly.

    Thankfully a little after that my Mom told my Dad she was tired of not having any money and went to work. She gained her independence and started thinking on her own. In the late eighties she left Dad and the Jws. By this time I had been out for about 8 years or so. It's been great to have a Mom for the last 13 years. We were talking the other day about when she started to have doubts about the org. and she mentioned that picnic as one her doubts Lack of love and compassion in the congregation.

  • Mary

    Analysis, you must have been in a very different congregation which is nice, but believe me, 90% of congregations are basically how I described.

  • RoadDoctor

    How did I miss this post by Mary? My god, you nailed it right on the head. I dont know if I've ever heard it explained better. Thank you so much, I plan on sending this to the folks. (yes I am a dick)

  • Bendrr

    Been there done that.

    The Empire's followers are simply following what you find in the real world as well. They just manage to add their own measure of extra hate to the practice.

    Hmmmmm.......don't make 'em any better does it?


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