For those of you who had a JW childhood, were you pulled out of Sex Education classes? Did it bother your conscience if school surprised you with one? After being deprived from sex knowledge and since the Society doesn't make diagrams, how did you learn about it?
Pulled out of Sex Ed classes
by Nosferatu 26 Replies latest jw friends
My parents were fairly enlightened, and when they overheard me playing with another kid (we were pretending to marry some imaginary girls, or something) anyway, they asked me how much I knew, and then they got a book that explained everything in terms I could understand. I think I was seven, or eight.
The rest of my knowledge I picked up through studying medical encyclopedias, lingerie ads, and, of course, Internet Porn sites that sometimes had more practical "how-to" than any amount of "great teacher" books. Having a well-trained mind that learned to distinguish the erotic from the merely freakish helped in that regard.
hehehehehhehehe heheheheheheh hehehehehe pulled out heheheheheh............. sorry just had to say it lol and btw i dont think the sex ed classes recommended that as proper birth control did they
i dont think the sex ed classes recommended that as proper birth control did they
I wouldn't know. I didn't go to any!
My parents gave us the Life Cycle Library. This hardbound colorfully illustrated four volume set came delivered right to our door. My parents gave it to us and told us to just ask if we had any questions. (Of course, that meant Mom).
But when I confided in my Mom about something, I suspected that she had betrayed my confidence to my aunt and uncle (an elder) because of the phony-baloney way my uncle brought up the subject. I never confided anything important to my mother ever again.
Years later my shrink gave me the frank sex-talk that my parents should have.
My Mother to this day (I'm 40) still has not explained sex or puberty. My sister who is eight years older than me gave me a book when I was about 13 which explained everything in graphic detail. Thank you sis. Off course I wasn't allowed to attend the sex ed classes at school. If it hadn't been for sis I would have been a single mum at 15
I was not pulled out of the sex-ed class. I don't remember exactly how they told parents about the class, but they told them and my parents didn't object. My father had already explained the male end of things fairly well although he wasn't very explicit on the female side of things. Yeah I know, that's the part I'd need to know the most about anyway. But I don't think my parents were particularly concerned about the class since my father had already had his talk with me. Anyway, I was in a rural Bible belt area. They split the boys and girls for the classes. I was in 7th or 8th grade. We went to one class and they had some slides talking about the male organ with diagragms showing it in the flaccid and erect state. I don't remember much about the female side. Maybe that was supposed to come in the next installment of the class, but there was never another class, because after some of the hick parents heard about exactly what was in the first class, there was a fuss and they canceled it.
Sex ed classes for us were pretty conservative (except for touchy-feely day with birth control methods.--HA!) My parents "allowed" me to take that portion of health class, then used it to point up how "balanced" they were. Par for them. However, I had already learned all about it from the fiction I read. I was a voracious reader (still am) and parents weren't. You can learn alot of stuff from the classics. Anyways, one day my mom found a certain book by a popular author, and knew it had a sexual reference in it because it had been made into a movie that she had seen before she came into the "truth." (**breathe**) She went BALLISTIC!!! This was the same year as the sex-ed unit. I have to believe that if they had known the well-rounded content of that class, they would never have permitted me to attend. Fortunately, when I later "went off the deep end," things I learned there protected me until I got my feet again.
I was pulled out of school altogether and put into homeschooling around 5th/6th grade, so I didn't have to deal with sex ed. Even if I had stayed in traditional school, my mom swore that she would get a waiver to take me out of sex ed . . . At any rate, since both my parents worked, I was dropped off at the library a lot as an elementary schooler, and I got my sex education there. :) Not that I would read books intentionally for the sexy stuff...but reading the vague, romance-novel-like sex scenes in the sci fi/fantasy novels I liked was still much more informative than anything my parents had ever told me. I was also lucky enough to be allowed to have a little handheld radio in my bedroom, and I would listen to the radio all day, and also late at night when they had racier talk radio... (Loveline's still my favorite show. :D)
I walked in on parents doing it one time, but they didn't see me. My inate sense of propriety made me leave fairly quickly. I'm not so quick to turn away when I see people having sex nowadays, what with gradualism and all. Of course it helps that it's not my parents.