Crappy Jobs???

by Maverick 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • mrs rocky2
    mrs rocky2

    Love what I do, co-workers are great - we are a fairly tight knit bunch. Most of us have been in our jobs more than 5 years, some of us more than 10. The CEO is a bit of a problem. Most of us aren't sure what he does all day. This causes problems since most businesses require some sort of leadership. He's in a bit of hot water right now...I can only dream that the governing board will see that he isn't the right person for the job.

    Mrs R

  • Latin assassin from Manhattan
    Latin assassin from Manhattan

    I actually did some bartending and realized I could make some money and have fun along the way. I would drive home at the end of the party at about 4am on Sunday morning in total harmony with myself.

  • drwtsn32

    Now that my wife and I are out of the borg and it is no longer "evil" to go to college simply to enhance our worldly career, we have made some changes. At first I was going to college to pursue a bachelor's degree in comp science, but I have stopped so that we can send my wife to college to get a degree in nursing (RN). This requires her to work evenings and some weekends; definitely something that wouldn't have been approved of in the borg. We're both really excited about her getting a nursing degree... I think it's a great field to go into.

  • Special K
    Special K

    Hey Maxwell

    so true about what you said.."But I know that in some areas elders and others in authority continued to discourage college aggressively"..

    It was agressive here, .. and still is.

    I wouldn't mind reading that in the 1995 wt.. can anybody post it here for me..I'd appreciate reading that for myself.

    Special K

  • ashitaka

    I like my profession, I don't like my job.

    I have to drive 140 miles total to and from work. Yesterday it took me 3 hours to get home.

    I'm paid 29,500 for something that all of my other peers at this site are making 45,000 or more. I also have had the best numbers (call closures), highest level of satisfaction from my clients, etc. They're boffing (lol @ Edit) me over because they can. Bad economy they say, so they can get away with it.

    Still, I'm pretty good at what I do, and people respect me (beyond the people who pay me).


  • Piph

    This is all very sad to me... I am very talented artistically but my parents discouraged me from going into any creative field in favor of something more 'practical' I could do while pioneering. They didn't even really want to fork over enough money to take all the art classes I wanted while still in High School. I really wanted to go to the Seattle Art Institute and become a fashion designer.

    Now I am a clerk working in a foodservice corporation. It's mindnumbingly boring...but Euphemism and I are planning on going back to college, and I'm really looking forward to learning all about what interests me. And I want to work in a coffee shop in the interim!

  • Pleasuredome

    i remember saying to to an elder and jws once that i might got to university to study theology. there were a few tense faces in the room.

  • Euphemism

    LOL @ Pleasuredome! I so wanted to do that! I still might. I can't decide between going back for a second bachelor's in theology, trying for a second bachelor's or possibly a master's in religious studies, or going for a master's in computer science (which is what my original bachelor's is in).

    I wish I had left the WTS before I went to college, however. I had awesome opportunities--to work on a research team, get sponsorship for graduate school, even get published--that I let go by because I was planning to pioneer.

    Hey, Latin... now look what happens when you mention bartending... there are ads on the side of the page for learning to tend bar!

  • tinkerbell82

    PIPH - i wanted to go to art school as well..still thinking about going back while i'm still young to study animation or illustration.

    right now my job is so boring, i'm an admin assistant for the fraud unit of an insurance company. lots of typing lots of sitting, definitely not my style. plus i'm about 20 years younger than everyone else in the building.

  • Bonnie

    I was brought up a Witness...I had wanted to go to college to study to work with kids like my mother had years before me, although she wasnt a witness then....but in those days ...early 80' was a "NO NO". I pioneered for 7 yrs from 16 to 23( gave it up due to "nervous exhaustion"....but was given the guilty treatment..."shouldn't give up pioneering stuff").Worked in a fishmongers (yuk...stunk of fish and used to sit at the meeting picking the scales off my hands that hadnt washed off......I also Waitressed, cleaned stairs in tenement buildings, and peoples houses fact went from job to job...I got bored easily and actually hated pioneering. I was always fact I used to try to place mags ( in those days u charged) just so that I could get my bus fare home....or something to eat.I used to walk so much my shoes needed re-heeled every three days. Been away now 14 years....finally went to college...just recently sat exams..Going on to do some other courses in the fall...cant wait..!...I have a daughter now...shes young but I will really encourage her in education and to work at something that she enjoys..I spent too many years miserable..

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