One characteristic of Dubs is a preoccupation and fear of the demons. Their literature contains descriptions of a contest between the creator God and Satan, such as found in their recently publication “Worship the Only True God”.
According to page 71:
“He gave the apostle John a vision in which Satan was depicted as “a great fiery-colored dragon”. He was poised to devour, if possible, God’s Messianic Kingdom as soon as it was brought to birth in heaven in 1914.”(Rev. 12:3,4,13,17)”
Does it seem reasonable that Satan would have the power to devour God’s Kingdom, such that God had to “snatch it away” into heaven away from the grasping claws of the dragon? Not at all. So was there any time when Satan had the power to “destroy” the Kingdom? Yes, indeed, for the Gospels record that Jesus was led away into the wilderness to be tested by Satan. When Jesus was crucified, this was a defeat for Satan. He’d had his chance but failed.
Interestingly, this seems to be confirmed by the same publication:
“At the same time, Jesus’ death provided the means for delivering obedient mankind and for ‘breaking up the works of the Devil’.(1 John 3:8, Heb. 2:14 ,15)” (page 64)
The statement on page 64 seems to contradict that on page 71, but it does mirror orthodox Christian teaching.
Cheers, Ozziepost