by Amazing 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • Amazing


    Appointing Spiritually qualified men to take the lead and serve as Elders and Overseers has been a feature of Watch Tower congregational organization since about 1972. JWs were told in talks at conventions, in literature, and finally in the two versions of the Organization book that the Biblical criteria is used when Elders meet to consider some men for appointment as an Elder. JWs are also told that these qualified men are already appointed first by holy spirit, and then as the congregation is lead by that spirit to recognize them, the Elders meeting is a confirmation of what God has done. Okay, so far – sort of – but that is the gist of the procedure.

    The Organization book provides a detailed discussion about what constitutes qualification to be an Elder. It quotes and cites various verses from Titus, Timothy, etc. and relates these to how JW men are functioning in the congregation, and how they meet these qualifications.

    Reality of how JW men are appointed to be Elders: Bear in mind that not all Elders in every congregation operate the same way. Some are more conscientious and try to apply the bible standard, but many other do not. I bas the following on my experiences in 9 congregations spread across 3 states, and the comments made by other Elders I have discussed this topic from as many more congregations. The following is, I believe, a fairly representative example of the appointment process:

    Elder meeting opens with pray for Jehovah’s direction on our meeting, minds and hearts. The PO chairs the meeting by announcing what we all know, and that is the CO is visiting next week. We usually discussed other business, and then saved the appointment of Elders and MS’s for last. The order is meaningless, except that when saved to last it may not get the time it deserves because everyone wants to get home to watch TV.

    During the appointment considerations, Brother Crusty opens by saying that he wants to recommend old Hank. Hank has been in the truth for 40 years, and has served as an MS for 10 years. Hank is always there when you need him. Brother Concerned notes that Hank is a little low in field service hours, and is not a good speaker. Brother Crusty says that we cannot expect perfection. Brother Balanced says that maybe we need to give Hank a little more time, maybe he will be ready by next CO visit in 6 months. Brother Crusty is not happy, but accepts the inevitable. Brother Hank is never told what is lacking in his qualifications.

    The PO suggests Timmy as a possible candidate. He gives good talks, has been an MS for 2 years, and was raised in the Truth. Brother Concerned says that Timmy’s hours in service are above average, but he seems a little young yet. We decide that 28 years old is still a little young, so we will discuss him again in 6 months. (as though somehow magical emotional growth will happen for Timmy at age 28 ½ .)

    Brother Concerned now recommends Brother Chuck. He says that Chuck is good in Field Service, has several Bible Studies, gives good talks, and everyone seems to think highly of him. Brother Chuck moved here to help us and has much exposure with Circuit and District Conventions. A highly qualified and experienced brother well known by Jehovah's organization. The gatherings at his new home are fun, and he always has lots of good food. He’s real hospitable. (The closest thing to a spiritual qualification mentioned at all – but it really focuses on the fun time and not the genuine hospitality, such as whether Brother Chuck invites the poor and elderly to visit. Actually, Brother Chuck primarily invites the popular ones, and this is not even thought about much less discussed.) The PO concurs.

    Brother Secretary is asked to type up the recommendation sheet, noting the date of baptism, whether Brother Chuck is of the Anointed or Other Sheep. Included are Brother Chuck’s Publisher Record Cards along with his wife’s and children to be sure that he is getting them out in Field Service.

    Next, the PO says that we have to now market Brother Chuck. We want him to be seen by the CO as having a major role in Congregation activities. The PO says the best politics would mean that we are sure to have brother Chuck assigned to as many activities as possible where the CO will be there. Brother School Overseer says he will reassign the Instruction Talk to Brother Chuck. The PO says he will be sure Brother Chuck is given a major part in the Service Meeting and gets to introduce the CO for his special talk. The Field Service Overseer says that he will talk to Chuck about working in Service with the CO at least one day during his visit. Brother Secretary says he will coordinate the meal assignments and be sure that the Chuck family gets to host the CO for a noon or evening meal. We also discuss how when we are talking with the CO to mention how good and useful Brother Chuck has been.

    The CO Visit: Now we finally meet with the CO to discuss congregation business, status of Field Service hours, studies, books, magazines, and Return Visits. We discuss the spiritual health of the congregation by noting how service hour averages are up, inactive and irregulars are down, that meeting attendance is up, and several disfellowshippings have cleaned out the bad spirit that was there 6 months ago.

    We then get to appointments of Elders and MS’s. We recommend Brother Chuck. The CO has indeed noted that we are using Brother Chuck, and he and his family are regular in Service. He felt that Brother Chuck did a fine job on that talk last Tuesday. He asks is there are any objections. We all say no and that we agree with the appointment. So the CO signs takes the recommendation and completes the sheet for the Society. He uses all of Brother Secretary’s carefully maintained data. He then writes a glowing paragraph or two about how Brother Chuck meets all the qualifications of a spiritual man and comes highly recommended. Brother CO signs the form and give us a copy for our files.

    When the Society gets the form, we are led to believe that they carefully pray over the matters and give all due consideration to Brother Chuck’s qualifications. In the meantime, after the CO visit, Brother Chuck is back to his normal routine and not used any more than he was before the CO visit. We, of course, keep all this ‘confidential’ so that Brother Chuck will not be hurt if the holy spirit directs the Society to not make the appointment.

    A few weeks later, Brother Secretary gets an envelop from the Society with the returned form. He notes a special stamp on it which seems to indicate that the Society has reviewed the form. Beside Brother Chuck’s name a box is checked with a green check mark indicating that Brother Chuck is approved to serve as an Elder. Also, beside his name is the position he will be serving in – as a Book Study Conductor.

    My thoughts now – 9 years after walking away from the organization and 6 years after my Disassociation: What a farce! Not once did we ever crack open the Bible or even use the Organization book as guidance to carefully a man. All of the criteria used was that he can spin a good talk, he is out selling magazines more than the average Publisher, his family does likewise, and he host fun parties.

    Brother too young Timmy (lacking 6 months to mature) and Brother Hank (to old and feeble) are never reviewed for how they help the poor, console the depressed, and faithfully serve when asked. They are never Marketed to the CO or are not savvy enough to play politics and get the needed attention, and go unnoticed.

    I have never seen an Elder really stand up and pull for someone against the group mentality of the Elders as a whole. Only on one occasion did I ever see a CO break with the Elders, and that was because at the meeting I pulled out a letter from a previous congregation that highly recommended a brother that moved in to our hall. I earlier recommended in the Elders meeting before the CO visit, but he was shot down because his wife was week in service. I made the end-run to try and get Brother Move-In considered. The CO loved the letter of recommendation, and noted that even though the letter came from 2,000 miles away, he knew one of the Elders there and the CO in that Circuit. But, the Elders recommended that we wait 6 months to give Brother Move-In more time. To CO reluctantly caved in.

    Only on a rare occasion have I seen a Society form returned with a red-line though a recommendation, indicating they reject the appointment. This was in a case where the Brother was under 25 years old, or some other minor defect. Never was there any rationale mentioned by the Society at the their reasons based on spiritual qualifications lacking. Age, filed service average, and sometimes an old disfellowshipping record was noted. If we caught this before the CO visit, we could plead the Brother’s case, and the Disfellowshipping would be ignored by the Society resulting in an appointment.

    Where is the deception? JWs believe that these appointments are serious considerations of Biblical qualifications and that Jehovah guides and directs the Elders via holy spirit to select such men to serve. The truth is, if you spend lots of time selling magazine (or placing for free now) you get to meeting, give a half-way decent talk, and stay in the Elders faces with nice fun parties ... your chances are much better than if you merely console the depressed, teach the meek, and assist the poor and elderly. That is that sad deception ... and ...

    ... by the way: Brother Chuck who was appointed – well – he was one of the child molesters who was later removed as an Elder. He had a child molesting record that went back years - as this was determined by talking with Elders from previous congregations. He was never turned over to the authorities. Only when he molested a non-JW child did the law get involved. Yes, real fine job the Elders did in making this recommendation. It is, as always, - Simply Amazing

  • Fredhall


    So this would make you an deceptive elder.

  • Amazing

    Fred: Yep! - SA

  • shalom

    Amazing, just wanted to say that I am finding your posts very interesting and eye-opening. Glad you are here.

    love shalom

  • neyank

    Hi Amazing,
    Thanks for sheding light on some of the inner workings
    of the WTS.
    It really is quite sobering to think how imperfect men
    have such control over people.


  • bluesapphire

    Amazing! You did it again. Now I'll tell it from a sister's perspective:

    My fiance and I decided to move to another hall since everyone was trying to break up our engagement. The elders at his hall were really priming him to be appointed as a servant but he wanted no part of it. But he's such a nice guy that every time they asked him to do something, he did it. They took this to mean he was "reaching out." Well, he moved to another hall just before the CO visit because I told him, "You better do something because they're going to appoint you." (We had been foolling around - not sex but enough petting). I said he would be "making a mockery of Jehovah." We didn't want to confess to these elders because we knew they'd disfellowship one of us so that we couldn't get married. We planned on moving halls, getting married and confessing in that order.

    Anyways, they wrote my husband a great letter of recommendation to the new hall. First he started going there and later I did. Everyone thought he was such a "spiritual" man. They used him all the time to give talks and I was the one writing them! We got married and were very popular in the new hall. We had a swimming pool and had the congregation over regularly for bar-b-ques. I was very regular in field service but my husband lied every single month. He probably got 2 hours and stretched those two to ten or eleven. Plus he got to count four hours a month teaching my children even though I was the one doing it.

    I went along with it. When the CO visit came around I told him again, "We still haven't confessed and I know you're going to be appointed." He said he would turn it down. But when the time came, he said no and they would not accept his answer. I called one of the elders and asked him, "How do you know to appoint a brother?" He said, "We pray about it and Jehovah guides our decision." But I was not satisfied so I said, "How do you know Jehovah's answer?" He said, "When we send the paperwork to Bethel, the brothers there have Jehovah's Spirit and they make the decision." I was skeptical because I knew we had a hidden sin and that he was cheating on his field service report and also that he couldn't write a talk worth beans if it wasn't for me.

    In the end, pride got to my husband and he accepted the title of MS. It was the beginning of my awakening and he knew it. Everybody in the congregation thought he was so spiritual. And he is really a great man and a good person but spiritual he is NOT!

    I always wondered how he got appointed and it was a "faith" test for me. Eventually I lost faith in the "spirit-directed organization." Thank God for that!

  • orbison

    when my x was made a ms,,,well nobody was more surprised than i,,he was an entertainer, i did all the studies with the children,,i took them out in service, and i underlined his watchtower so nobody would know he didnt do his,,,
    one night, i was home with a sick baby, and he called just before meeting,,light chit chat
    then he said guess who they are making a ms,,i said i have no idea
    he said was himself,,i couldnt believe it
    nobody was more surprised than i was,,,


  • zev

    i just read every word, hung to it like it was a good book. bring us more. this is very good stuff.

    Now feeling the pain of sitting on the pickets class.

  • OrangeBlossom

    Very interesting post, my husband and I have always had a problem with "spirit appointed elders." Case in point...

    My husband was in business with someone who was a real butt-kisser at the hall, perfect meeting attendance, high hours on his service report (inflated) very friendly, personable, you get the picture. However, away from the hall, he was known in the business world as one of the biggest liars around. Actually, the guy was a pathalogical liar. Anyway, it wasn't too long after he moved into a new congregation that he was appointed a MS. He must have suspected they were considering him because a few nights before the CO came around he asked my husband not to reveal certain things to the other elders that he had been doing, such as, lying, stealing, saying the "F" word constantly, etc. My husband was already hanging on to "the truth" by a thread and when they announced him as a MS, we both wanted to puke.

    To make matters worse, he was appointed an elder a couple of years after that and remains one to this day.

    At that point, I think we both had confirmed for us that elders are not appointed by holy spirit, but, merely personality and politics.

  • TMS

    My experience with pre-Circuit Overseer recommendation meetings spans about 35 years, actually predating the current elder arrangement. Most were a little more conscientiously handled then Amazing relates, although flawed.

    Generally, some of the Scriptural references and much of the current organizational book's take on these qualifications were considered.
    Unfortunately, personal friendships and personality conflicts could cloud individual judgement in spite of all of the holy spirit in the room. Sometimes, alliances were formed within the body to promote or block a particular brother.

    A little anecdote about the appointment letter from the Society with the green check mark next to the name of one appointed:

    In one congregation in the late 70's, we recommended two brothers for appointment as elders. One was green-checked(appointed). Next to the unchecked name were the remarks from the spirit-directed organization: "too young, baptized too recently".

    The only problem was that the brother appointed was actually several years younger than the one not appointed and had been baptized a shorter time. This created a quandary for the body of elders. My suggestion to write a letter was met with quick resistance by the majority. They thought it best to leave well enough alone. Actually, I believed they feared losing the appointment of the more popular younger brother. After much discussion, a query was drafted and sent to the Society. They returned the original appointment letter back with BOTH brother's names "green-checked". No explanation. Sort of unsettling to a true believer in the "appointed by holy spirit" concept.


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