I've come to that conclusion. Some would rather not HAVE to THINK about a position, a prophecy, a requirement or a belief. They really would rather follow the dictates of leaders of an organization. Thinking about matters can be too draining, too much work. Jehovah's Witnesses have been trained to become spiritually and mentally lazy. They would rather let the Watchtower Society tell them not to have a transplant or blood transfusion. They would rather have headquarters tell them that they cannot have sex a certain way. They would prefer to have "God's mouthpiece" instruct them in the way of child-rearing or child-bearing. Jehovah's Witnesses have lost their ability to think. And that is very sad.
Some People Stay Witnesses Because They Don't Want To Think For Themselves
by minimus 43 Replies latest jw friends
Yes, it is. And that's why that religion and others like it will always be around. There will always be people who want to just follow rules and not think for themselves. Their reasons for doing that could be sheer laziness but I think also a large number of people have been raised with the idea that they are stupid and are incapable of making their own decisions, and those people automatically seek out others to make decisions for them.
It is very sad. But part of being a free will individual is that you have the right to decide for yourself how to live your life, even if your decision is to let others decide for you.
For some,it is scary to venture out of the box. "Where would I go?" is what keeps people in this sick "relationship".
Guest 77
Yes, conditioning works like a charm! The US government shells out about 15 billion $$$ annually on welfare. We gotta have a scheme to keep the people under our control, let's make it 'easy' for them.
If its not broken, don't fix it, it works perfectly in a bureacracy. Yeah, yeah, all this crap (frog talk) about over spending and no controls, no action just constant croaking. OK, my three minute eggs are up.
Guest 77
Minimus: you hit the nail on the head.
Not only do some not WANT to think for themselves, some CAN'T think for themselves. They will forever follow the WTS and do whatever is asked of them.
Not only do some not WANT to think for themselves, some CAN'T think for themselves.
I completely disagree with this. People CAN think for themselves. They CHOOSE not to because it takes a helluva lot more work. "Can't" is just an excuse for laziness!!!
Just a thought on this.
When do they actually have time to think for themselves between 5meetings a week and service?
When you are in it is much easier to study what is presented and well if you do have questions
"Wait on Jehovah" he will take care of the situation in his time.
Well his day is a thousand years, my life is less than a hundred if i am oh so lucky.
I think more people stay out of fear. They have been taught all that is "wrong" with other religions, so they don't feel they can go to one of them. So, if they leave the Borg, they would be left floundering. I think they are afraid to think, they want to believe too badly.
People are mentally lazy. It's so much easier to blame someone or something else than deal with reality and actually DO something yourself.