I just had a JW come to my door and I had to threaten her to get her to leave! I told the woman right off I was 'apostate' and had no intention of changing it. She kept asking me personal questions which I told her were none of her business and she said she would have the elders come by and I told her that if they came by the better be wearing bullet proof vests! And she still didnt leave! She pretended to speak to my dog...I told her twice more to get off my property, finally I told her that if she did not leave I would kill her.
I am still shaking and I think I am going to vomit.
ooooooo they do NOT want to start with me here. I figure I will get alot of Qs from you all about this, so I will answer them as they come up---I am so upset I can barely think straight yet. I have never had to threaten someone to get them out of my face like this woman!
I called my husband at work, who has been wanting to get me a handgun since our little TN experience. I called my mother who is the only one I am afraid of hurting still- otherwise I would have made Bill Bowen look like he was still in good standing....and she is so completely done with it all she gave me the go ahead. At this point I don't give a flying rat's a$$ if anyone else helps or not--I am going to pull the Tower down with my bare hands and there will not be a stone left upon a stone.