Would you or have you used a blood tranfusion since you the left the WT? I was wondering what your feelings are on it now
Would you or have you used a blood tranfusion?
by TylerMacKay 28 Replies latest jw friends
ignorance is strength
WT brainwashing has made me acquire an aversion to blood for some reason. But if I needed it, I would get one; but I probably wouldn't be able to look.
Hello, Tyler, and welcome a-board!
Fo reasons that have absolutely nothing to do with the WTS, or the Bible, I would choose not to have a transfusion. Nor would I want any human organ transplants. Just how I see things.
edit to add: Also, welcome to you too, ignorance is strength (Interesting screen name...not quite sure what to make of it LOL )
There is nothing or no one that would have ever kept me from getting a needed transfusion for me or my family.
concerned mama
Tyler, I'm not, nor ever have been JW, so I don't have your problem with blood. Because of my job, I do have some medical knowledge, which means that I am pretty up to date on the risks, especially here in Canada. I would use discretion.
If I was having a scheduled surgery, I would tell the surgeon that I would like to avoid blood if possible, and if it would not cause any risk to my health. In that case, you can use medicines to build up your number of blood cells before the surgery. The doctors who I know and respect try very hard to minimize blood loss in everyone, not just JWs. I would also be willing to use time and iron supplements after the surgery to regain my lost blood cells. Remember when you bleed, you loose blood cells, not just blood fluid.
HOWEVER, even with the best surgeons there can be complications during an operation where more blood than expected is lost. I would want to be given blood at any time, if it was necessary to save my life.
There are certain medical situations where blood is still the only thing that will save you. If for example, you were in a bad car accident, you may experience extreme uncontrolled bleeding, and you would have lost a lot of blood before you even got to the hospital. The paramedics in the ambulance and the doctors in the emergency department could keep giving you intravenous fluids that can keep your blood volume up. If they are unable to stop the bleeding right away, which happens, especially with internal injuries where you have to be brought up to the operating room, you keep losing more and more blood cells and your blood becomes more and more dilute. The Red Blood Cells carry the oxygen , so your tissue won't get enough oxygen, even though there is enough blood volume. As the Specialist in Emergency Medicine I checked with said "Cell Savers don't do you much good if you have already left 4 litres of blood on the highway." In that situation, blood or red blood cells are the only things that will save your life. Another situation is when you have had chemotherapy to treat cancer, and your own body is no longer able to make blood cells.
There are "Artificial Bloods" being developed, and none of them are approved here in Canada because there have been complications with all of them. The are all made from either old human blood or cow's blood, anyway. If you want more information, e mail me and I will send it to you.
So, after being so longwinded, with the decision being made on a medical basis rather than a religious one, I would take blood if I had to to save my life.
Welcome Tyler and Ignorance is Strength,
If I knew about the surgery in advance, I would store blood and have them use that. If it were an emergency, I would ask my husband to donate first. If that was not enough, then I would have a transfusion. Not my first choice, but definitely an option.
I donate blood to the Red Cross, too.
I had many blood transfusions even before I left.
When ever I get a papercut, I suck on my finger if I can't get to a washroom.
oh Welcome!
In a heartbeat if it were deemed medically necessary.
I would definitely have a blood transfusion if I needed one and/or and organ transplant. But like happyout mentioned before, if I knew that I was going to have major surgery ahead of time, I'd have my own stored.