I wonder where old Gravedancer is...
C.T. Russell's grave vandalized
by RR 40 Replies latest jw friends
Reborn, funny that you quote Watch Towers AFTER his death, he didn't write theor later 'Towers or "The Finished Mystery"
D wiltshire
Is it morally wrong to piss on Russell's grave?
I don't think taking a piss on his grave would be wrong.
I would veiw it more as a symbolic jesture that is rich in meaning .
I wouldn't make a special trip to piss on his grave but if I was close by I would find it very tempting, maybe not doing the actual pissing at the sight but perhaps bringing a vial filled with piss and just dumping it on the stone.
I know some here would find it revolting, and I respect that.
Were Russell ressurected today, and if he could see the Organisation that has developed since his day, would he want to go back to his grave? I don't think his intentions were to create the monster it has become.
As for desecrating someones grave..........and we could put Rutherford in his place for this topic, then I could easily use Rutherfords grave to dump my dogshit into.
I've been up to the grave. It's near my fiancee's house. Back during my spiritual crisis I would go up there in the middle of the night, sit, and talk drunk talk to dead C.T. Russell. He never objected. Those pictures were neat - engraved ceramic photographs. I really haven't seen anything like it anywhere else.
I would have stolen them if I'd thought of it. And yes, the Masons who have the big lodge right next door will probably fix it up again.
Oh well.
When I read some of the Russell era stuff, I was surprised to learn that if you pray hard enough, Jehovah might turn you into a white man!...lol
I hope it was stupid kids and not some overzealous ex-JWs.
Unlikely to be the ex's - Russell's grave is a great reminder of where this religion really all started. It'd bound to be zealous Dubs, if it is a calculated attack and not just idiotic vandalism.
I vote for the drunk teenager theory. You can always blame teenagers for everything!
I don't know who vandalized his grave, but I do know that lots of Jewish graves are vandalized by Neo Nazi's in Europe - painting swastika's aso.
I am not sure but once I read that Hitler has no grave - thus preventing both: vandalism and making it a monument for Neo Nazi's. -
I vote either for over-zealous jw's who want to do away with evidence of their original leader's strangeness......
or on stupid teenagers - I knew some in hs who thought nothing of getting drunk & kicking over gravestones, etc. Nothing.
or someone who realized that they could turn around and sell those pictures on ebay in a couple of years (or private sale) for a hefty profit.
Personally? Don't care.