Hi everyone!
I'm sure this has been done, but I'm VERY curious to hear stories from your preaching work as a publisher, aux. pioneer, reg. pioneer, whatever. Were people usually rude to you? Did you get the 'privilege' of conducting many home 'bible' studies? How much 'bible' studying did you do (was it WT pub. moreso I mean?) Did you ever catch da mouse put him in the pot (KH)so to speak? Did anyone ever answer the door naked?lol Last time the JW's came to our house was back in November, people who had just moved in as neighbors, it was a really freaky older dude who hobbled along our walkway with this giant cast on the lower half of his leg, with a REALLY REALLY freaky dude who looked like the albino in 'The Princess Bride' for real. Anyways, I had been reading alot on them by that time, so I wanted to play, but mum kicked them OUT DA HOUSE! It was a shame I didn't wish them a happy thanksgiving, seeing as it was. Then another time NO KIDDING here, I had walked down to the bridge on the road to our house, just out for a walk and a read, and the freaky dude with the cast was driving along, recognized me and stopped: here's the thing, I was SMOKING (lol) and reading 'CRISIS OF CONSCIENCE' (roflol) I don't think he saw the book, but he asked me if things were tough at home (????) I exhaled a big puff of smoke, said no, thanks though. He then said "you know, we're getting very near to the end of this wicked system of things" *I nod, he nods, I keep nodding, he looks at my cigarette* Anyways, THAT time, it was Easter, and I failed to wish him Happy Easter and 'would he be going on an ISHTAR egg hunt with the fam?' :)
ANYWAYS, surry, I'm curious though, was there really any standout experiences you had, or just general door in your face type thing from the worldly occupants? I'd love to hear them anyways, my good friend who's a JW :( said that the three years she spent as a part time pioneer (70 hours a month, would that be a 'regular pioneer?') was quote "the best three years of my life" which I thought was a bit of self dillusion perhaps.
Thanks everyone!
*yeah 4st 7 an epilogue of youth
such beautiful dignity in self abuse*
msp 4st 7
*Door to Door stories anyone?*
by Myxomatosis 17 Replies latest jw friends
I hated preaching, mostly because I'm very shy...but the memory that stands out the most in my mind is when I was paired up with my best friends mom. We went to this door and the man was a religious fanatic. I don't remember what religion he practiced but suffice it to say, he called the lady I was with a whore, saying she was a pagan, the devil's bride - all because she was wearing makeup. Then he grabbed me by the shoulders and started shaking me and said something like..."but you're still young and innocent, you can still be saved let me teach you the real way of the lord...." Keep in mind I was a young teenager. My preaching partner was struggling with him to make him let me go. She was really rattled. It's actually funny now when I look back at the situation.
Oh, boy, I have a new audience! Okay, I've told these before, but here goes again:
1. I don't recall EVER getting a person "into the truth" from going door-to-door, and I pioneered most sincerely for 13 years. Most of my studies were with referrals or kids in the congregation.
2. Most of my experiences are funny ones:
In 1979 or 1980 a lady named Minnie Sweat (I'm NOT making this up) who invited us into her little pink frame house. In her living room were stacks of newspapers and empty cereal cartons -- and every one of our publications. She asked if we had anything new, so we emptied our bookbags, and she wrote us a check (which cleared, by the way). Then, as we were doing the spiel about the "last days" she leaned forward and said conspiratorially, "Do you know that Adolf Hitler is alive and well and working for the Social Security Department in Austin?" Then she proceeded to say that Hitler had conspired with James Earl Ray to kill Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and she knew that because their car was bugged and she was listening in with an FBI agent in another car. We left shortly thereafter. No return visit.
One of the last times I went out in service I had my then 5-year-old son with me. It was hot. REALLY hot. I was feeling sorry for Jackson in his long pants, closed shoes and tie, so I told him as soon as we finished the street, which was about two more houses, we'd go get a snow cone. At the next door Jackson rang the doorbell and gave a tract to the man who answered. I started my presentation, and then Jackson interrupted with: "Know what?" to the householder. I thought he was going to say something about the paradise (silly me), but when I said, "What, darling?" he told the householder this: "Know what? If you eat a blue snow cone your poop turns green." It does, too -- at least, Jackson's does and he's fascinated by that. The householder was less than impressed, and I decided it was time to stop service.
As for naked stories, you'll have to ask Big Tex about that . . . . He had a couple of REALLY interesting ones!
Neither child misses service one little bit, and neither do I. I do remember days when it was fun to be outside and feeling like I was doing something important, but that feeling was eroded little by little over the years until I just couldn't in good conscience invite anyone to the Kingdom Hall.
The one that stands out in my mind is the man that came to the door wrapped in a towel.
I asked "If you had the power to change anything in the world what would you like to change".
He looked me up and down, I am only 18 at the time and stated "Over population".
I froze for a minute but then resumed and actually placed a book and called back for many discussions.
There was a return visit that I had contacted in the door to door. I was calling back one last time to take her out of my book, she took a study that day and is still preaching today. She is the only one that sent a bereavment card after dad died. Yep, she even knew my address.
God bless her.
I don't remember any specific "adventures" I had at the doors, but the one that stood out for me was one on the "other side".
I was living in my apartment with my common-law wife, and I got a phone call.
Me: Hello?
Her: Good afternoon, I'm not calling to sell anything, I'm calling to give you some good news.
Me: You're one of Jehovah's Witnesses, aren't you?
Her: er, um, why YES! I am.
Me: I get all the WTs I need from my mother
Her: Do you know what congregation she's in
Me: E******.
Her: Okay, thank you.The funny thing about this is most people recognize JWs for their door to door work, not their telephone witnessing. I caught her completely off guard. I never let on that I've seen telephone witnessing done.
Then, as we were doing the spiel about the "last days" she leaned forward and said conspiratorially, "Do you know that Adolf Hitler is alive and well and working for the Social Security Department in Austin?" Then she proceeded to say that Hitler had conspired with James Earl Ray to kill Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and she knew that because their car was bugged and she was listening in with an FBI agent in another car. We left shortly thereafter.
LOL. Sounds like a great way to stop people knocking on your door again!
I think I mentioned this one before, once we were invited into a young woman's house and gave our spiel, to which she listened politely, then said that seeing as how she had listened to us, we were to listen to her. She then pulled out a small photo album and showed us photos of UFOs (yes, they looked exactly like the movie version of silver-colored flying saucers - this was back in the late 70s so I don't know much about how to touch up photographs pre-computer era). Okay, so she's a bit nutty, and maybe as a photographer knew how to fake these photos.
Then she pulls out a notepad with extremely detailed drawings of the inside of the spacecraft (like a blueprint, drawn to scale), and proceeds to explain how she was actually inside this craft and that the aliens chose her because they knew she would follow their instructions, which were to tell the world that they had to pursue a peaceful way of life, destroy all nukes, etc. She said that she had written to the Prime Minister (Canada) and the President (U.S.) and her mission was to tell everyone she met as well as write various heads of state with this message.
I can't remember what the aliens planned on doing if we all didn't listen to this gal's message, I'm sure it was something horrible. We were so freaked out we wanted to get out of there as fast as possible. In our minds of course she was 100% demonized. Never went back to see her (and her little friends).
Sorry hit the wrong button!
Anyway, one time out in service with a young pioneer sister, a guy answered the door with his fly open and pubic hair sprouting for all to see.
He looked half asleep, had probably just pulled his pants on and only buttoned them. (so I thought.) She was giving her spiel while I looked around the room, trying to look at anything but THAT!. Then he kept asking questions and we were the ones wanting to leave. I fugured out the sumbitch was enjoying it! When we finally got out in the car, we laughed our heads off, so I guess all three of us had a good time!!
That was the last time I was out in service.
went to visit some friends up north......... yankees in all aspect lol. went out with them in service............ my door. knocked on the door and no one was home so we headed back to the mystery machine........ aka van holding the max amount of people so we did the least actual knockin lol. guy comes driveing up in a jeep so i was like GREAT now i gotta get out and go at least tell him what we were doing....... so hehehe lil pretty girl that was out was to embarassed to go back with me so i went solo.......... and the dude says in a real confrontational manner.......... CAN I HELP YOU! and i noticed he was wearing camo and it was close to deer season there so i made small talk and just said i didnt want to keep him but we were just out shareing a bible message and offered him the wt and awake which he declined................. all the while holding a ruger blackhawk unsucessfully behind his leg. i grinned and wished him a nice day and got in the van and left. the lil perdy gurl was white faced and almost in tears............. lol. so i made fun of her and everyone else lol. by saying im from the south........ everyone has guns there lol. heck ive went in service with guns in my trunk lol. :P anyways lol thats one story