Download "Beware of the Voice of Strangers" assembly talk

by Nosferatu 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • Nosferatu

    Hey all, I finally put up "Beware of the Voice of Strangers" for downloading. I had quite a bit of trouble putting it on the net (it's over 7 megs). Please let me know if it's all there. If not, I'll try and fix it on the weekend.

    This is the District Convention part on Apostates. Enjoy!

  • Hamas

    I'm downloading it now !

    Thanks for your hard work !!!

    ..... lol, sounds like he is speaking in outer space.

  • drwtsn32

    Thanks Nosferatu!!!

  • Stan Conroy
    Stan Conroy

    Why would I want to listen to that nonsense? Not having to be subjected to that garbage is part of the benefits of not being a JW anymore.

    I don't understand the point of downloading and listening to assembly talks.


  • Hamas

    You are quite correct, Stan.

    Yet some of us just like listening to it for maybe reference. It is with organized efforts that we will eventually topple the Watchtower. The more people that can see proof of Watchtower mind control the better.

    I am putting this file on my website on the subjects of Watchtower mind control and Apostates. The more people that see it and hear it the better.

    Together, we shall bring the Watchtower down.

  • drwtsn32

    Stan, because this talk is about us! Sometimes it's fun to hear the mind controlling garbage with a free mind.

  • Nosferatu

    Thank you Hamas! I won't be keeping it up for an incredible amount of time for downloading. Thanks to you, people will have another source for downloading. The "good news of the kingdom" is like Herpes, SPREAD IT AROUND!

    Stan, some of us enjoy a good laugh :)

    Also, the speaker mentions a TV program that aired a few months ago that some publishers were shaken from. He was referring to "The Fifth Estate".

  • Elsewhere

    Why download and preserve a copy of a talk? Because, it gives us the most damaging amunition that the WTS normally would not put in print. We can use this to show the public what JWs really think of people who are not JWs. We can also use it to demonstrate their mind control.

  • dmouse
    Temporarily Unavailable

    The Angelfire site you are trying to reach has been temporarily suspended due to excessive bandwidth consumption.

    oh dear!

  • Elsewhere

    Houston, I think we have a problem...

    Temporarily Unavailable

    The Angelfire site you are trying to reach has been temporarily suspended due to excessive bandwidth consumption.

    The site will be available again in approximately 1 hours!

    I got the above error message.... is there anyone else who can host this?

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