What was the true motive for the WTS joining the UN? What did they have to gain? I've done research, but have yet to find an answer to my question.
Pardon my ignorance
by Ariell 12 Replies latest watchtower scandals
I have only limited knowledge myself.
But from what i have read, they joined to be able to get research material and data from the UN.
Apparently the material is available anyway, but it has to be paid for.
Hope i'm right, but its something along those lines.
ignorance is strength
NGO's are basically non-profit organisations; they are elgible for government grants, tax-exemptions in many countries, not only do they have access to the UN library but are allowed to send delegates to official UN meetings and have the right to participate in them.
There may be more benefits to being an NGO, but I think thats mainly it.
One reason is that they want to develop their terrible relations with the United Nations.
I've thought of this question myself; and I wondered what the Watchtower Society had to gain from pulling off such a stunt. Over the last few years, the Watchtower has done it's best to strengthen their relations with political parties; in other words , they scratch other people's backs, and then they scratch theirs.
I believe it has to do with being seen as more "mainstream" and a certain respectablity that would come with being a NGO... not only that but also associated with the DPI (Dept of Public Info), actually building a "grassroots support for the UN".
This could be perceived by governments (that the WTBTS wants recognition in), that the Society has connections (within nations that recognize the WTBTS as a religion) and some "weight" behind it in influencing its membership. It is a political alliance and is recognized as such.
My thoughts. I work for a large corporation, and the more I study the moves of the WTBTS - 'cause God knows I didn't when I was an active JW - the more I see it for what it is... big business, making big business decisions, with all the office politics and media, legal, etc. that supports CYA.
What was the true motive for the WTS joining the UN?
'Cause they're sneaky and rotten, and thought they could get away with it.
Too bad J's Spirit didn't help them.haha. (__|__)
Apparently the material is available anyway, but it has to be paid for.
Do they get the material for free if they are an NGO, or do they still have to pay? How much money would they have been saving?
Mr. Kim
What was the true motive for the WTS joining the UN?
Answer: To lie, cheat, steal, mislead, get around Laws,...........
It is rather hard to tell whether the Watchtower Society just blundered in this decision or whether there was an ulterior motive. One possible speculaton is that they were trying to project an image of ligitimacy for those countries that have banned the organization. What better recommendation than an affiliation with the UN?
Jehovah's Witnesses like to think of the Watchtower Society as one large organization that is unified in all aspects of its makeup. But over the years, rumors of real blunders and snafus have filtered down through the "grapevine." Like any human institution, the Watchtower Society has had its share of poor decision making, cross purposes of its leaders and outright mistakes.
We may never know the real reason that prompted the Watchtower to join the NGO of the UN. But it is a good example of how its standing rests on "feet of clay."