Random notes from the Motor City...

by Aztec 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • Aztec

    Thought I'd pop in and say "hello" to all! I have a computer but I don't have the time or money to get it hooked up to the internet right yet. I should have it all together in the next month...let's hope anyway. I started my new job last Monday and I love it! I get along really well with everyone including the two CEO's of the company who I met Wednesday. One of them called me "the famous Carrie" when he met me...LOL! I guess I've somehow made an impression.

    I like my new apartment too. My neighborhood is pretty quiet even though it's in the inner city of Detroit. Yup, I live in the hood. I think I'll pick me up a blunt and a bottle of OE on my way home from the library. LOL!

    It's very strange to logon and realize I have 40 available posts.

    I hate it when white people appropriate black slang. This twit of a dj always refers to all radio events by saying they will be "off the hizzle". I want so badly to reach into the radio and slap her!

    So how is everyone and what have I missed?


  • SixofNine
    So how is everyone and what have I missed?

    Ain no thang. shiiit. izallgood.

  • Aztec



  • obiwan

    Yo, yoss and I need to go to the churches for some cheeekin, gimme a leg yo!

    I know, I can't slang for the life of me. Not a whole heck of alot here. You going to the meet-up next month?


  • expatbrit

    Hi Carrie:

    Glad to hear that the new job is going swimmingly. While you've been away everyone has converted to right-wing politics. Simon will be looking after George Bush's website for his re-election campaign(www.doubleyadubya.com). Realist has become a monk.

    Get that computer hooked up soon!


  • Aztec


    I know, I can't slang for the life of me.

    No kidding..LOL!

    You going to the meet-up next month?

    As long as it's same time, same place I'll be there. I have to work that day until six pm but I don't work too far from there so *fingers crossed* I should be able to make it.


    While you've been away everyone has converted to right-wing politics. Simon will be looking after George Bush's website for his re-election campaign(www.doubleyadubya.com). Realist has become a monk.

    See what happens when I'm not around to protect everyone from your influence...LOL!


  • StinkyPantz

    Well Aztec everything sounds great! New job, new apartment . I am SO happy for you!!

  • Aztec

    Hey Stinky! I miss you. I hate only getting online once a week!

    Oh well, I might be able to get online Tuesday..till then I am gonna go sunburn my buns.....


  • Mecurious?

    I hate it when white people appropriate black slang. This twit of a dj always refers to all radio events by saying they will be "off the hizzle". I want so badly to reach into the radio and slap her!

    Yea dawg. I know what you mean. Whites need to chill with dat. Me and my peeps was just talking about how even some blacks try'an talk white. I mean we can't all be tiger woods right?

    But say yo, that oe iis off the chain for real... Me and my homies used to get straight full on it.

    Save a swallow for me. Hell, we can get full together aztec.



    Imagine that!

    Aztec my dear. You are creeping ever so closely to the land of maple syrup, back bacon and weed.

    You move any closer to that river, you're gonna need a canoe.

    Remember when you and I (Carrie), were talking about when the Canucks from Windsor, ON., call-in to local Detroit radio stations. The accents, Canuckisms etc., that would leave you howling with laughter?

    I think living in Detroit, can be good: you can look at Canada 24/ 7 - without ever having to step foot on it. But why would you look at it, when you can get on over and have a blast!

    Glad to read all is well with you there, and I'm sure once you get past these next couple of weeks, things will be back on track.

    Missing you, as always!

    (((Aztec))) - lotsa hugs from the ol' Blade

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