What does it really mean to "have love among yourselves"?

by micheal 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • jgnat

    JW's believe they have more love because the WT mag tells them so. Even if it is not their immediate experience, they reason, it must exist elsewhere. Besides, they have not been to a "worldly" gathering in years, so how could they know that people on the "outside" hug and laugh and dance?

    Country Girl, can I keep your "Love is..." list? That list is fantastic!

    I taught Sunday school to two year olds for years. I struggled to condense weighty Christian concepts to something they could understand. "Honour your Mother and Father" became, "If you see a kleenex on the floor, do you put it in the garbage for your mommy?" What was more amazing, is those toddlers listened, and applied. The following week, a mother came up to me asking, "Whatever did you tell Tommy? He has been helping me around the house all week!"

    Perhaps the Christian experience would be more fun for everybody if we condensed it's meaning in to something a toddler can grasp.

  • garybuss

    "Discretion should be used in determining what,
    if any, assistance might be given on a humanitarian
    basis to those not having a good standing in the congregation."
    (Pay Attention to Yourselves and to All the Flock 1991 p. 22)

  • jgnat

    Ewww Garybuss. No wonder they are so screwed up on compassion. Can you imagine those words coming out of Jesus' mouth?

  • LittleToe

    Well done - you've summed it up in a single paragraph of quotation.

    Real love is something inside. The spontanious feelings you have for someone you genuinely care about.
    If you have children, then you likely know that love. It's not some kind of clinical thing, as we were taught that "agape" meant. Sheesh - principled love, huh? The above quotation demonstrates the hypocracy of that.

    It's a bond that compels you to do something for someone else, looking out for their interests in a positive way.
    If it isn't expressed, is it really love?

    It still starts with the two laws, anyhow. Love of God and love of neighbour (which includes self).

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