I didn't vote for him the first time... In fact, you all have the right to kick my ass...it is my fault and my fault alone that Bush got elected the first time, you see...I voted for Nader...OH GOD! IT IS ALL MY FAULT!@! Can any of you forgive me? I will still vote my heart and whoever I feel is the best canidate. At this point, Bush isn't even on the map. Because, I have to agree with Reborn, our votes don't count anyway...and if you think they do, you are mistaken...it's called an electoral college and unless any poster here is on it, we don't count...LOL
So, will you be voting for Bush next time?
by czarofmischief 74 Replies latest social current
I voted libertarian last time. I am not sure this time. Here is what the Democrats are offering in the next presidential election, according to http://www.politics1.com/dems04.htm
Warren R. Ashe (Virginia) no pic
US Senator Joseph R. "Joe" Biden, Jr. (Delaware)
James "Jim" Bollinger (Indiana) no pic
Willie F. Carter (Texas)
Retired Army General Wesley K. "Wes" Clark (Arkansas)
Randolph W. "Randy" Crow (North Carolina)
Susan Fey (Colorado) no pic
James I. Glover (New Jersey) no pic
Amanda Lou Hardy (District of Columbia) no pic
Alfonzo Jones (New York) no pic
Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. (Virginia)
Glenn D. Leaverton (California) no pic
Sherry A. Meadows (Texas) no pic
Grady Dean Mollenhauer Jr. (New York) no pic
Frederick E. "Fred" Ogin (Oregon)
Oloveuse S. "Ole" Savior (Minnesota)
Craig E. Sharp (Texas) no pic
Former Congressman James A. "Jim" Traficant Jr. (Ohio)
Evelyn Louise Vitullo (Arizona)
Either you last post regarding the candidates was a joke or you are ill-informed and receiving your information from a skewed right-wing perspective.
Jerry Beck? Randy Crow? John Estrada? Susan Fey? Lyndon LaRouche (where is YouKnow when you need him?) Convicted criminal James Traficant?
Surely you jest. Anyone with any knowledge of politics knows the legitimate Democratic candidates include Howard Dean, John Kerry, and Joseph Lieberman. Conveniently they did not even make your alleged list.
I am not necessarily saying I support any of the above, but for you to post nonsense claiming that this is what legitimate Democrats are offering as candidates who will actually make it past primaries demonstrates the foolishness of the website you got your information from.
Then again, your post has Rush Limbaugh at the bottom as a potential write-in candidate. Your post speaks for itself.
Sorry Reborn2002,
I should have included the others.
All Democrats.
Yep. All Democrats. You are absolutely right.
To be fair, most of them are just scavengers thankful for any scraps they can get from Bush's table. They also jump on any opportunity to criticize mistakes the current Administration makes if it means getting their name in the news.
In fact, most of their platforms are based on nonsense. Over the course of the next year as the election draws near and debates begin, the herd here will be thinned considerably and only the legitimate candidates will remain.
The wheat will then be seperated from the chaff.
Actually I would vote for Rush for president, but he has no desire to be in politics. I do not know who I will vote for. I am not happy with all of the liberal courses Bush is taking. Most conservatives are against big government, but Bush has expanded government even more than a Democrat would have.
I do however, hate the "big tent" of the Democrats. I am against most of the policies of those included in the "big tent"
Just because you are against many of the policies which George W. Bush incorporates then you are a bleeding heart liberal? Your generalizing and this is inappropriate.
HMMMMMM inappropriate then we get..
, so lets see now....Then again, Dakota only resurfaces on this website he claims to hate when it involves a political thread so he can spam right-wing rhetoric. I wonder why that is?
(waiting to be flamed by him anytime now)
Just because you are
Kinda double standard isn"t it?againstin approval of many of the policies which George W. Bush incorporates then youare a bleeding heart liberalhave a right -wing agenda ? Your generalizing and this is inappropriate. -
no one
I cannot take credit for this statement, but found it elsewhere on the web as an opinion on Bush in 2004:
If Bush is our future, we're history.
My what an appropriate username. Anyhow...
DakotaRed made it clear in other threads that he holds contempt for this website. When welcomed back by other posters he made it clear that he has not returned, yet he finds it in his heart to post on every single political thread with a right-wing perspective insulting others and accusing them of being liberals or antiBush etc.
If you actually took the time to look back through threads and read my comments, you would know I am a moderate, and do not support liberals anymore than I do conservatives. I merely point out hypocrisy when I see it.
Perhaps if you knew the facts, your comments would have merit. As it stands currently, they do not.
I am sure you consider yourself moderate,but I wonder? The ones I know who claim to be moderate are almost always very leftist. There was a post by Spartacus sometime ago to determine where a person is politically, you should try it, I suspect you are not so moderate.