by Nathan Natas 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • William Penwell
    William Penwell

    You could write to any bidders and tell them where they can get it for free. This practice goes on all the time. I know a guy that downloaded a boot disk for free and has made thousands of dollars selling it on Ebay. I guess its buyer beware.


  • drwtsn32

    Good idea Will.... just tell the bidders where to get it for free. And then tell the person selling it what you did to discourage them from trying in the future.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    THANK YOU all for the support you've shown so far!

    I would greatly prefer that it was not necessary to inform you of RATS like this one, but I knew you'd understand the offense I feel that someone is trying to take work that was offered for free and make some money with it.

    To recap the story so far -

    Name: Stan Milosevic

    Email: [email protected]


    Stan appears to be a Dub in good "stan"ding. His other EBay sales items are collections of free Dub related documents (or so it seems) that he sells. That's the dub "morality" and "work ethic" for you - steal from the birdfood class to feather your own nest.

    The Ebay fraud department has been notified because Stan is violating the UADNA copyright held on the digital representation of those old JW publications, and his bidders are receiving "counteroffers" of FREE CDs.

    Future releases of WT BS CDs will have a UADNA copyright notice and a statement that these publications are to be distributed FOR FREE permanently attached to the individual PDF files.

    - NN, pitbull class

  • DIM

    who cares if someone sells cult literature that was gotten for free? don't you guys have anything better to do?

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    DIM asked,

    "who cares if someone sells cult literature that was gotten for free? don't you guys have anything better to do?"

    This cult literature was not "gotten for free" - it was legally bought and paid for in its hard copy form at a cost of hundreds of dollars, and uncounted thousands of hours were spent preparing and scanning the literature.

    It is protected work under US copyright law, and that protection will be enforced. The owners of the copyright have decided that the material would be distributed for free to anyone who asked by a worldwide network of volunteers. It is not to be used by a JW to supplement his income.

    Stanmilo is a thief.

    If you had ever created something of value, you might understand this.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    The following email was sent to Stan Milsevic:

    Dear Stan Milosevic,

    I have become aware of your dutch auction of "Watchtower Book Collection 1942-1959 on CD" Item
    number: 3540774779 on EBay.

    The digital representation of the Watchtower publications on that CD is copyrighted, and your
    unauthorized profiteering is a violation of international copyright law.

    This CD-ROM is NOT yours to sell. You received it for FREE. You DID NOT spend hundreds of dollars putting this CD together, nor did you spend more than a thousand hours preparing the material for
    distribution. You DO NOT have permission from the author of this CD to sell it ANYWHERE, and so you are requested to remove your offering from EBay and to refrain from selling it anywhere at any time in the future.

    Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.

  • teenyuck

    Sounds like Stans PO needs a call/letter/e-mail to let him know what old Stan has been up to.

    Why, I think Stan got his copy of the CD from an apostate web-site, don't you?

  • Scully

    I'm glad it wasn't ME who sent him the CD!! I'd hate to think that I was helping to finance another one of his Theocratic Vacations™.

    Love, Scully

  • Hamas

    I don't blame him.

    Get money any way you can, man.

  • Simon

    He's profiteering from someone else's hard work.

    If anyone deserves the money, it's the person who originally put all the time and effort and expense in doing it and then was kind enough to provide it free to others.

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