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Anyone have an extra "Learning from the Great Teacher" book??
by lisaBObeesa 24 Replies latest jw friends
lucky lucky me, my daughter got one from her grandmother....hasn't seen her in about 6 months...but I guess I should be glad she remembered to snap up one of these books for her
Just now skimming thru it really harps on these kids "telling other people" to serve God....almost every chaper so far has ended with some admonition relating to that....and the demon chapeter? Good lord!
Ok I need to put it down now...
I was told that the Society was only distributing one copy per household
Ummm, okay. At no convention I heard of, including the one we attended, was the "Learn" book (as they are calling it) only one per family. Everyone got one, and I believe there were extras. The map book was one per family though.
Do you think your family member told you that just to avoid giving one to you? Shame. Of course, in Canada it could have been different, so apologies in advance if I'm imputing wrong motives to your JW family.
BTW: I should also clarify by saying we only went to the Sunday AM session to pick up the releases and reinforce our story of "attendance" with some specific comments. We're still in the "closet." So we could have missed the "one per family" announcement. But I do have to say they certainly had a lot of them. And the family in front of us had like 5 kids, and they all had their own book. But then again, that family could have just been some of the "entitled" Dubs.
Could you not just write to the society and ask for a copy? If you are not known as an apostate, you could just say you want to give your children an upbringing in christian matters, and you heard about the book from a work colleage. Should bring a witness running to your door with a copy thinking they're going to get a study, only to find the door shutting once you get your book.
Hi Gadget.
That would only result in a couple of Witnesses zealously knocking on your door on a saturday morning. When the Society gets wind of your address, it passes it on to publishers that are all too ready to call on interested ones.
That would be a bad idea.
Sadly mom does not share new releases with her unbelieving children. We're only worthy of the WT and Awake.
Unbeliever, sounds like you're reduced to getting the crumbs.
Not sure if you have worked this out yet or not, but I have one that my mom gave me for my daughter that I really don't want...:)
The "Great Teacher" books were one per person. I got four with no problem, and no contribution, I might add. The map brochure was limited to one per family.