Public Apology to Bill Bowen

by IslandWoman 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • bjc2read

    Hi Island Woman:

    I hope today, you and I will become "friends". Because you and I are in absolute agreement!

    You have just discovered what I found out about some time ago.

    Stop already with this Ray Franz worship, he is a fine person but he is not perfect and he can be wrong sometimes!!! Yeah, I know, incredible but true! I like the man, he though is wrong on the Silent Lambs issue.

    Sheesh, this is too much already. Some here have really made a god of him.

    You are absolutely right. These people on this discussion board have made a "god" out of him. They are completely blind to his "faults." But Bill Bowens is not. And so are you.

    Please check this thread and this will let you know where I'm coming from.


  • IslandWoman

    Hi Tex,

    Just to let you know, this is not about the 2 witness rule thing. It's just about sticking up for each other and doing what we can to help some people who as children were terribly injured by the Org.

    Knowledge is power, Ray Franz has knowledge.

    Status is also power, Ray Franz has status.

    If both or either of these things that he possesses could be put to good use, to help the abused in the Org., then I am for it.


  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    Then I'm sorry IW, I don't get where you're coming from.

    What do you want from Ray Franz? Forgive me, but he's close to 90 by now. What, if anything, could he do to change the Society now that he couldn't do in 1980? His time has come and gone, it's our time now. We are the ones who can make a difference. Don't you think?

    BTW, I'm at the end of a very nice beaujolais, so I'm toddling off to bed now. I only say that so you'll know why I'm not responding tonight.

  • IslandWoman


    What, if anything, could he do to change the Society now that he couldn't do in 1980?

    I'm not asking that he change the Society, only to do something, anything, to help the sexually abused exJWs and possibly even those JWs who have suffered similar crimes. If his conscience prevents him from speaking about things that he feels are not appropriate then just a word of support will at the very least soothe many. If all he can do is to verbally support the Silent Lambs then that would be so great. Don't you think?


  • teejay

    >>>> These people on this discussion board have made a "god" out of him. They are completely blind to his "faults."

    So let me get this right....

    Those who think that Bowen was wrong means that they "have made a 'god' out of Ray"? Curious. Based on what IW just posted, I seriously wonder who it is that has REALLY deified Ray.

  • DannyBear

    ****Based on what IW just posted, I seriously wonder who it is that has REALLY deified Ray****?????????

    IW and bjc are so intent on getting Ray to 'say something' because they perceive him to be the key to restoring Silentlamb's (Bill Bowens) reputation.

    Who is in fact deifying Ray?


  • studying

    Alan Feuerbacher in a past thread posted enormous amounts of documentation about Greenlees and Chitty. To summarize, those all too clearly appeared to show Greenless was quietly reassigned from the Governing Body after it became a bit too widely known that he was homosexual. Chitty was a pedophile quietly reassigned from the Governing Body after it became a bit too widely known that he had molested children including of the same sex as himself. Ted Jaracz is still on the Governing Body, and Pat Garza who recently died from cancer resolutely, including in the public before Brooklyn world headquarters for the Watchtower Society, stated that he had molested her and other children while a District Overseer in Los Angeles about 40 years ago.

    Do not huff and puff that stating the facts is "libel" as if you're saying that will make the scandal go away. It won't. The documentation from Alan stands solid. Many spoke with Pat Garza and can tell you she was credible. Now, if there is any misinformation whatsoever regarding Greenlees, Chitty, and Jaracz, then Jaracz definitely knows he has been invited numerous times on this forum and by reporters whom he has dodged to try to refute the allegation; and although Greenlees and Chitty are now dead, those who knew them when they lived have also had plenty of time to respond. The Governing Body members never disfellowshipped any of their "annointed" peers.

    Repeating what credible sources like Alan, Pat, CBS, Dateline NBC, and, yes, Bill Bowen have all said to protect the children including all too many who are now suffering adults is for the public good, and done out of love for victims and all that is right. It is a fact that the Watchtower Society, for which Jaracz is the main heavy on the Governing Body, orders elders via the Circuit Overseers that they can allow a "repentant" child molestor (murderers too) to resume going house-to-house in ministry, thus endangering not only JW kids but those of all the public. Don't believe the MURDERERS part, then see the letter to elders posted on

    Ray Franz needs to tell what he knows but probably won't because, some of us guess, the Watchtower Society has trumped up dirt on him and hopes it shuts him up to the grave. Somehow, in the end, though, he just may shock them, say by an after-death publication. That would sure do it. Then down she will go, that billion dollar plus harlot. Small wonder the Watchtower is now a bedlam of apostacy, all true JWs worshipping Jehovah directly through Christ rather than through the faithless and indiscrete "slave class" of supposedly annointed ones on the Governing Body.

    Bill knows some interesting things about Fred Franz who was Ray Franz's nephew and Governing Body President as well as about Dan Sydlik. But he doesn't speak much about them. Perhaps sometime he will.

  • IslandWoman


    Those who think that Bowen was wrong means that they "have made a 'god' out of Ray"?

    Nope, that's not what I meant. I post an apology thread, Jst2laws and Amazing jump on the apology as if it's some sort of attack on Ray Franz, yes, as if he were a sacred god that should never be criticized. It wasn't an attack on my part, it was just a change of viewpoint. I like Ray Franz, I also think that Bill was not off base to ask Ray Franz to help out in some way. If that means sharing info fine, if it means just a word of support that's fine too.

    That's all.


  • jst2laws


    Please read your private message and respond.


  • DannyBear

    ****Bill knows some interesting things about Fred Franz who was Ray Franz's nephew and Governing Body President as well as about Dan Sydlik. But he doesn't speak much about them. Perhaps sometime he will.****

    Wow. Accusation after accusation, names as well. What load of pure bullpucky!

    Created a moniker just start this whole mess again......whoever you are your not in anyway helping reasonable people see your point of view.


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