Those of you who live in northern California might send a letter to the editor of your local paper (if they ran the story) and point out that this WTS statement:
Where molestation allegations are corroborated, the abuser is banned from the church and is never again allowed to hold a position of authority if the excommunication is rescinded, Brumley said.
...has only been true for the last two or three years and that this policy came about because of lawsuits like these. Prior to that time, child abuse allegations weren't taken very seriously, a police report was strongly and universally discouraged in order to protect the reputation of the JW organization, and some perpetrators were in fact reappointed as congregation elders after a period of time had elapsed. Many or most of these cases now coming to court involve victims who were molested during the period of time when the new, stricter rules WERE NOT IN FORCE, and any new policies recently imposed have absolutely nothing to do with the lawsuits under discussion. These new policies have come about, not out of concern for victims, but in order to give JW spin doctors something to spin.