I'm new here. I just found this site.

by Brandy 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • rocketman
    Indeed there was new light in 1995 (I think) regarding the 1914 generation. How'd you guess?!?!

    Yep, November of 1995. Evidently, Brandy noted that the jw assertion with regard to the "generation" that saw the events of 1914 was running into trouble about 10 years before they decided to bail on the teaching.

  • nowisee

    welcome and best wishes.

  • micheal

    Hey Brandy, I think your awesome!!!

  • greven

    Welcome brandy!

    I'm sure you will find out how to navigate this site, if not just ask!

    They decided in nov 1995 that anyone that knows what happened in 1914 belongs to the generation of 1914. This makes the generation of elastic; it can be stressed without limit. Remember that it was a promise by jesus that it would not take very long. By making this generation immortal they rendered it meaningless.

    They don't mention the generation anymore. They are just hoping people will forget.


  • freein89

    Hey Brandy, Welcome! Have you communed with ex JW's before? If not I can imagine you are in shock, I sure was when I found this site. Have you heard about the UN yet? How about that generation that was old enough to have reached the age of reason in 1914! It had been bothering me for years wondering how they were going to get out of that one!!! One stroke of the pen and POOF everything we had been taught for a lifetime was gone!


  • obiwan

    Hi there Brandy, glad you found us...enjoy!

  • Tinkerbell4125

    Welcome Brandy!


  • Emma

    Brandy, welcome to the forum! I'm still new and caught somewhere in the learning curve. There's lots to learn here, and every once in a while, a good laugh!

  • Brandy

    I really appreciate the warm welcome.

    Freein89 mentioned the UN. Would you mind telling me what the WT had to do with it.

    U was wondering how they were handling the 1914 thing. But how did they get anyone to buy it that

    "They decided in nov 1995 that anyone that knows what happened in 1914 belongs to the generation of 1914." I copyed this from Greven's post. I hope that that is okay to do. If not I appoligise.

    That sounds crazy to me.


  • Loris

    Brandy, Welcome

    Browse around on this forum. There has been soooooooooooooooo much crazy JW stuff since the 80's.


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