hmm, seems to me a sudden case of poison ivy is in your future, lol, well unless your highly allergic, let someone with a cold sneeze on you? go to walmart and lick some cart handles? [ yea right lol, ]
twist an ankle? sunburn? puddle under the car, bad brake lines ?
I knew a lot of people that would break up days, mornings afternoons, if it was close enough to drive that is.
one convention, my son forgot his suits, so here we were on a saturday waiting for a mall to open,[ not until 10 am], so we could find something for him to wear, missed the whole morning session.
forgetting something so you have to go back usually eliminates the whole day if not the whole weekend.
now, there was one time when the expense was just too much, gas was at an all time high, and we had long stopped getting hotel rooms, simply too expensive for us. so we went to the meetings at a neighboring cong, instead of the assembly. but the bottom line is, if your the 'head of the household', you have the right to say what your going to do. if you do not want the children to go to the convention, don't take them. use scriptures to support your headship. god instituted the marriage, with the husband to protect and teach his family, and as her husband and a father you are protecting your family. from whatever misguided ideas, or possible crimes, or whatever. by over riding your headship,the watchtower is sinning against god. remind her, there are no scriptures that tell us there is a command to be at meetings or conventions. using a few sentences in some scriptures to support such an extreme view of meetings is wrong. Id have been thrilled if my husband would have explained that we did not need to go to an assembly. so would have my kids ,lol they would rather be stuck in the house all day. assemblies were too overwhelming for me after a while. I was tired of the negativity. the constant guilt tripping, the let downs the constant ignoring of my kids and family
there was no joy ever for us being there.
your wife must have a weak spot. some sort of conscience.