March Broadcast - Remove the Rafter - Adjust Your attitude
by helpmeout 12 Replies latest jw experiences
If you have watched the March broadcast you will understand the topic title. Another propaganda piece intended to subtly blame the victim. I would like to see them present a clip showing an arrogant self righteous elder interfering in the personal affairs of a family. Then show the damage he has caused to the relationships and reputations of those involved. Then show the elder carrying on as though he bears no responsibility for the harm inflicted. I'm sure that scenario would probably resonate with many, many people. Manipulation and control is the hallmark of this cult organization. -
Your post somewhat piques my curiosity.
But not enough to endure watching the broadcast.
Yes...we watched it yesterday (time we will never get back).
We got the same message...."remove the rafter from YOUR eye." It is NEVER WT's fault, it's all YOU! Nothing will ever change.
So glad to be gone! AHH...FREEDOM!
Some may ask, why do we watch these things (broadcast).
It reinforces and confirms we made the right decision for us and our family. Once you know TTATT, you can't go back.
It's a cult!
Most witnesses will readily admit that the watchtower is not perfect and that it is not inspired. However, they do not seem to grasp the fact that if they accept this fact, then, the organization should act as an imperfect, uninspired, sincere Christian individual.
For instance, a good Christian would first consider the possibility that he or she is wrong before judging others. He would ask for forgiveness and try to make amends for his wrongdoings. He would listen to anyone questioning his teachings without questioning his motives and character. He would not assume that everything he does is the will of Jehovah. Thus, he would not tell his friends that if they help him, they, thereby, help Jehovah.
People seem to lose this understanding when they fail to realize that a group should be judge in the same way we judge an individual.
I watch them every month now. At the point where they start earning money from advertising i will stop. Until then i'm happy to push up their viewer figures and therefore add to the cost of the websites costs. And i do it to reinforce that it's a load of crap, every month, it works. This month's broadcast was better than most in the fact that it concentrates on what they should be doing, teaching from the bible. But when they do it it just reinforces that the bible is a load of crap. I believe in the morals taught but the rest is entanglement. The videos they show are so predictable. Correctly guessing what will happen is much more fun than the video itself. Did anyone shudder when Jackson told of his eye cancer and losing the sight in one eye. Normally i feel total compassion but in this case the thought of antichrist bombarded my brain. This whole thing is so messed up. The way they speak to each other is so fake. It's like an idealised voice. Idealised actions. Robot. -
It is all show. There are some very nice people who are Jehovah's Witnesses. However, they would be very nice people even if they weren't Jehovah's Witnesses. The experience of my family is that the organizational structure is set up to support the bullying tactics of those who choose to act in an unkind and manipulative way. Once you see TTATT, you can deal effectively with it. I am now watching as my wife comes to the realization that these people are shallow and unloving UNLESS you behave according to their agenda. It is distressing for me to watch her going through this "grieving" process. I have to hold back from telling here everything I have come to know about TTATT. We have been so manipulated that any critical thinking immediately sets off alarm bells. I appreciate this forum and all who make intelligent and kind contributions to it. -
"I am now watching as my wife comes to the realization that these people are shallow and unloving UNLESS you behave according to their agenda."
BINGO! Unless you keep your mouth shut, tow the party line, and don't dare to speak up about the emotional, spiritual, and sometimes physical abuse you've seen or experienced, then you aren't part of the JW club. They can have it! And like someone else said above, once you see the TTATT, you cannot "un-see" it. And once your eyes have been opened, you are repulsed at the sight of the "disgusting thing."
I am now watching as my wife comes to the realization that these people are shallow and unloving UNLESS you behave according to their agenda.
I am in a similar boat at this moment. She sees it I believe. But I am sure she is afraid to dig into TTATT. Those roots are deep and painful when you have to sort through it. I have reassured her that if and when she needs someone to discuss it with I am hear and I know how hard it can be to feel alone in waking up. But I think she has seen the organization is not all her former pioneer self thought it was cracked up to be, and that it does in fact create miserable judgmental people.
I know people that are witnesses that seem to resist that urge to be that way, but like you said, they are just good people in general.
At the start of the video he goes on about the improvements and refinements of the organisation and all the new things that are happening. He specifically mentions their new understandings of what will take place during the great tribulation. Whilst saying this, the back screen displays the Watchtower picture of some JWs in a basement. The unspoken message here is that they (the GB) know what is going to happen and stick with us as we'll tell you.
Part way through, Jackson gets very personal and discusses problems he has had. It's such a pity that he couldn't use this time more wisely and explain to everyone when he was anointed and how he knew.
He the talks about the joy and appreciativeness that should be felt after an assembly. Again, it's all about him and his mates, JWs should be so thankful for what they provide.
I thought it was hilarious when he thanked a couple after an interview and said he appreciated their help in letting the audience understand the lesson. Clearly this shows that females on the stage are in a teaching role and they well know it.
There was another bakery session, this time it was on making the memorial bread. Again, a female was taking on the role of a teacher. They know these videos are shown in the congregation but they wouldn't want to look stupid by having a male making the bread or interviewing a brother with his wife sitting next to him, saying nothing throughout. But the whole baking episode was just weird. Baking bread just to pass it around. It's like having a birthday party, baking a beautiful cake, just for the guests to pass it around.