Can You Feel The Love?

by OneFingerSalute 17 Replies latest jw experiences

  • OneFingerSalute

    Just heard of an experience that proves what I have thought all along about the unique type of love in the JDubya religion.

    An elderly, handicapped JDubya acquaintance was traveling alone through the mid-west recently and found themselves stranded in Denver, Colorado due to dangerous road conditions. Not knowing anyone, and having no way to get from place to place on their own they made a number of phone calls. Finally they were able to get in contact with an oh so christian "sister" who had with her husband spent many decades in Bethel. They asked if there would be any way they could at the very least get someone to keep them company for a few hours. The "sister" informed the stranded JDubya that she and her husband were just going out the door for field serve us and that they would return the call as soon as the meeting for serve us was done. Surprise, surprise, no return phone call. Calls from the stranded JDubya only went to voice mail after that, and none were returned. Thanks to the oh so loving "brotherhood" this handicapped, elderly person spent a full day and then a cold night alone stranded in the Denver bus station.

    Can you feel the love?

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim
    NO. No love.
  • DesirousOfChange

    They were afraid that the elderly couple in trouble might ask for financial help.

    Ask most JWs (and ANY Cong) for financial help and.......

    Image result for disappear in thin air

    . . . . they disappear!


  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    Ask most JWs (and ANY Cong) for financial help and.......

    Image result for disappear in thin air

    . . . . they disappear!


    That's because the rank and file are more focussed about sending all their **valuable things** to the Borg.

  • under the radar
    under the radar
    DOC hit the nail on the head. I think they were afraid the stranded guy might want something more than directions to the Kingdom Hall. Can't be too careful, ya know...
  • joe134cd
    Although I can understand the aprehension to help someone who you don't know who contacts you over phone e.g They could be an a serial axe murderer for all you know. That been said it just amazes me how they can put so much effort into finding a new recruit and yet do so little to retain and maintain that recruit. Wt if you read this. I think your time effort and money would be far better spent on helping your youth and your existing membership than it ever would knocking on empty doors and sitting in coffee shops.
  • zeb

    fel thelove.. yeah right.

    One of our kids had big post birth probs. My wife was in hospital to enable feeding. I called on an elder to pay them a visit but his wife said no as he had a convention part to prepare.

  • Introvert 2
    Introvert 2

    As a single person I've lost count of how many times I was treated as a third wheel and discriminated against. It led to my being even more of a loner and introvert, who needs that ! Then you get the odd sympathetic person how tells you how you should be living your life. One elder told me I'd get more respect from members if I reached out and did more. I was then doing 12+ hours and running my own business and making most meetings. I eventually burnt out and became suicidal. Thanks a lot, feel the love !

  • joe134cd
    They have just gotta start showing more interest and care in the people they have already got.
  • LongHairGal


    I remember hearing the same garbage about "reaching out and doing more". It was a two-fold suggestion to do more door-knocking and also let myself be targeted by the users in the hall. Well, I wasn't having any of it.

    My observation was that singles who did this did NOT get more respect (or invitations). What they DID get were more phone calls from other users asking for more favors!


    While I can appreciate that the JWs have no real love, I can understand a degree of apprehension and reservation that some JWs might have if they get a phone call like this.

    I remember an older sister who made sure her address was not listed in the White pages because she had a bad experience with JWs who turned up on her doorstep! Sadly, I later came to see that this distrust can be the end result when there is a religion filled with unaccountable individuals looking for handouts.

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