A. In 2026 in what state do you think the Organization will be?
1.) 9million + members
2.) Roughly the same amount of members as today (7-9 million).
3.) Less than 7million members
4.) Roughly half the number of members as today
5.) Split or dissolved.
B. In 2026 do you think amount of literature printed in other languages (not English) will be:
1.) More than today
2.) The same as today
3.) Less than today
4.) None at all
C. In 2026 do you think the amount of literature printed in English will be:
1.) More than today
2.) The same as today
3.) Less than today
4.) None at all
D. In 2026 do you think the number of countries that have Bethel facilities will be:
1.) More than today
2.) The same as today
3.) Less than today
4.) Only in one country
5.) No Bethel