On The topic on JW talk, about the submissions of the RC, are the moderators, who are participating, and trully controlling carefully the answers giving.. they are making the questions such as: Where there ever other Royal Commisions in other Countrie? And what are the results? They are trying to demonstrate that the scope of an RC, is limited, and that ultimately the governments will change nothing about it..
the member they gave made a limited acces user, told me in a PM, that they, now will control and analyze every post he makes, to eliminate their severe concerns about him.. (This was a personal message they sended him).. But he will be very astate in the future in giving comments he told me..
every answer given is in favor of the Submissions of the Society laywers, and I think that members now, are scared to receive warning points, and to get kicked out by the moderators..
but like steven2 said it very correctly..That's the mindset of the JW organisation, they will interpret everything trough their JW lens..
and you can't experct that they will accept other opinions with open arms...on their forum.