In an effort to excuse yourself from elder persecution, you present an argument. Whether at a JC or just in an average elder shepherding call. Most people who have confronted a JC, have tried to explain to the elders about what they know of the org but the incriminating questions always come up.
When confronted with the question, do you still believe the GB is the F&DS? rather than saying no, I do not... you say... I do, but just like the past article on the WT, I believe the slave, despite having been "anointed" or entrusted with feeding the other slaves, has been committing serious wrongdoing, like covering up child abuse and therefore I am not obligated to follow their direction. Just like David, he had a chance to kill Saul but he choose to respect him as Jehovah's anointed. However, he did not stick around or followed his direction. He ran away. I have chosen to run away but I still respect them as the F&DS. I just can't bring myself to follow some of their teachings, which have strayed far from what is holly. The org itself has reminded us many times that we are not obligated to follow their direction if it doesn't go in accordance with scripture. Honestly, I believe the teaching of the last WT applies to them. Many people have brought up the issues to them directly and they have ignored them. The next step would be to bring the sin to the congregation, which I am sure you will not allow me to do. Never the less, I do still believe they are who they claim. When they change, I will return.
Obviously, that is not what I believe, but I am just wondering if this would help throw them off balance so that they have, at least, a harder time looking for a reason to DF you or at least you can tell your relatives the real reason for being DF and may be run lower chances of being shunned.
Your thoughts?