Another "Gem" from the convention. there's a talk about remaining neutral. One of the topics they say JW's should avoid is the topic of "peoples lives matter" which is barely veiled code for Black lives matter. The talk went on to say that only satan's people defend this issue,the ones who get involved even mentally with this issue will have the mark of the wild beast, that the gov puts people under compulsion to take a side in these matters, that JW's need courage to stay separate, if not they will get mark of wild beast, they should not get mentally involved in debates, (thought crime),that JW's should suffer for taking a stand. JW's should avoid those who are for a change in society. the message was clear... do not mentally agree or disagree with these issues, do not get involved even mentally. it will displease Jehovah and he will judge you and mark you.
They also said "do not criticise political leaders, do not believe biased media or watch it." hmmm, i wonder if the GB approve of Trump?