Wow Blondie... gotta give you credit for that one...
Would love to see them try to place that magazine with you .
by Stephanus 16 Replies latest jw friends
In the history of JWs I feel that a lot of the "persecution" they brought upon their own selves by their general cussedness towards people of other religions. What can they expect from constantly attacking other people's beliefs? And they're shocked when there are ramifications. Go figure!
As I recall, in bygone days, the Witnesses would picket churches with signs that said "religion is a snare and a racket".
If declining a door to door pedlar constitutes persecution, doesn't picketing a church also constitute persecution? And, most of all, shunning a person who chooses to leave JWs to join another religion is certainly persecution.
It seems to me that the Witnesses dish out a lot more persecution than they receive.
Didn't the Dubs at one time have a "Do you know what time it is?" campaign...late 40's early 50's?
At any rate, the Society encourages the dubs to see themselves as persecuted. It helps create a sense of belonging and togetherness.
So this is ``persecution?" I think the illustration offers an illuminating glimpse at the delusional, wholly self-absorbed mindset of the JWs: Because this householder failed to cast herself down at their feet, uttering a blessing for their visit, she's counted as a persecutor!
As a dub, and when asked to conduct the meeting for field service, I often asked the group to empathize with the householder. I would ask them to ``put the shoe on the other foot;" i.e. consider how they would their react when, early in the morning on one of their rare leisure days at home (and these are VERY rare for any consicentious JW!), two strangers ring their doorbell while they were lounging around, likely in their pajamas, hair askew, teeth unbrushed and with the kitchen disheveled, in a bid to get them to reappraise their life religion, all the while pushing some literature on them. Apart from the embarassment and self-consciousness of having been caught undressed and unprepared to discuss the meaning of life on the spot with strangers, there's the understandable suspicious of any such viisitors' motives or hidden agendas.
Yet if a householder fails to responds with forebearance and unfailing courtesy, or shows the least bit of annoyance at this unseemly invasion of privacy, they're labeled as ``persecutors!" A truly remarkable mindset!