I was disfellowshipped because of Satan

by elbib 43 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • elbib


    Good point.

    If Satan is taken to be a person as viewed by JWs, then it is a great problem for God who seemed to be really trapped by Satan to the point that the Almighty had to beg humanity to help Him to vindicate His sovereignty (Pro 27:11) and to ask his first-born to be killed by Satan to please Satan, and finally to declare an unrelated result that those who believe in the arrangement (punishing the innocent to please Satan) could bring forgiveness of sins.....See how much Satan makes God do senseless acts

  • elbib


    Book of Job is an attempt by someone who guessed the answer to the big question: Why does suffering exist?

    Problem with book of Job is that It is God who initiates the subject asking Satan: "where do you coming from ... have you set your heart upon my servant Job, that there is no one like him on the earth." This is something a loving Father would never do because it is this initiative of God that ultimately brought suffering on Job, his family, and even on God Himself, Jesus ......

    God does not need validation from others. Even you know that You do what is right--and you don't bother what others think about it. People can have varying opinions.

    If someone accuses that my children stay with me because of the asset I have accumulated, I would not bother about such comments. I would just throw another practical question: SO WHAT?

  • Satan



  • elbib

    Dear Satan,

    Satan means resister--when you resist religious parasites, you are doing something good.

  • KateWild

    Elbib, sorry about your experience with the CO. It just goes to show how hierarchical WT is and how having opinions is not allowed or encouraged.

    You were mistreated. I am so sorry.

    Kate xx

  • elbib


    Their mistreatment became a blessing to me.

    When I decide to do fasting, no one can put me into starvation.

    My mother used to say: "When someone puts a drop of ink into your kerchief, don't lament over it, but paint a beautiful flower with the ink-mark being in the middle.'

  • problemaddict 2
    problemaddict 2

    Playing devils advocate here (see what I did there?).....if there is no Satan biblically speaking, then what of stories regarding evil spirits and Satan's henchmen all over the place.

    I personally do not believe in naughty spirits, but I think the bible does in fact teach that they exist. To me trying to say Satan is a part of an allegorical Jesus fever dream is trying to justify belief in the book that has spawned the story.

    So......what about demons?

  • elbib


    Demons too are personification of evil within us. The Bible does present us with “mute spirits,” as explanations for a loss of speech, but this is the way an ancient culture explains something that would be explained medically today. If the mute person were examined by a modern western physician, it is doubtful that exorcism would be suggested as a treatment. It is unlikely that anyone today would ask “Who sinned? This man or his parents?” when confronted with a medical problem such as blindness.

    That Jesus was incarnated into this ancient world and its explanations, and ministered as an exorcist/healer in this world, is appropriate. It shouldn’t alarm any Biblical interpreter. The point of the Gospels is not Jesus’ opinion of ancient medicine or psychology. We do not expect Jesus to be giving modern explanations for conditions that we understand very differently. Jesus was a person of his time, and he viewed and responded to mental and emotional illness as a person of his time.

  • punkofnice
    CO did not respond to my comments.

    This indicates to me that he is a brainless clod of an excuse for a man. Certainly a watchtower puppet.

  • LoveUniHateExams

    I was disfellowshipped because of Satan

    Did you remember to thank him?

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