Are JW's getting lazy?

by jwbot 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • jwbot
    Are you sure it isn't from a witness who knows you and thinks there is a point for you in the highlighted words? Just a thought. Gawd, I actually did that once! *hangs head*

    Well, it was all studied...every paragraph in every study I doubt that. Some of the answers have "A" or "B" penned in... So yeah...laziness :)

  • Stephanus
    Well, the watchtower was from April 2001, and it was already studied!!! Orange high-lighter. Funny, huh?

    Reminds me of an experience I posted here:


  • drwtsn32

    Hehehe... my favorite type of witnessing... the lazy kind! I would love to count placements that I cowardly left on peoples' doorsteps. I don't think I ever left an actual study copy, though.

  • Maverick

    I mixed the studied copies in with my "new for preaching" copies a few times. I felt real stupid when I handed them to the poor householder! After I started to fade I would just hightlight any old sentence in each paragraph and mark A and B here and there in the margins so the copies would look like I studied!

    I sure love my Sundays to play with my custom Jag. I like it a lot more than looking at the PO, that old fart! Maverick

  • freeman

    Jwbot I think some are getting lazy, but some are still going full bore like my wife.

    My wife had her circus dis-assembly last week, and by the time Sunday rolled around she was dragon-ass big time. She really did not want to go another day, she even said so. Yet somehow she forced herself to go once again. After she left that Sunday morning, I picked up her still warm half full cup of coffee and began feeling quite sad for her. After a time that feeling passed as I sipped what was now my own coffee and opened the morning paper. As I was skimming the paper I thought about just how harried and unnatural the JW lifestyle is. And in contrast I thought about just how wonderful it was to sleep-in, to read the paper, or do anything I pleased because after all it’s now my time, and it’s now my life. I don't live to please a book publishing empire anymore!

    How sad that JWs the world over know not these simple pleasures of life, pleasures everyone on this board knows all to well. I only wish my poor wife could share this simple pleasure with me. Maybe one day she will wake up as did I, but until then I guess I’ll be finishing her half full cup of coffee and reading the paper alone.


  • simplesally

    Just so you all know, Six used to be a caring individual who wanted everyone else to be just as caring and loving as he in the jw-land......... --- simplesally, of the loves to make Six shake in boots class...... speaking of boots-----

  • gambit


    That is one of the funniest threads I have ever read. Between you and Beck i was ROFLMAO. I tend to think Beck has some real mystical, supernatural, clarivoyent capability, she is sooo convincing I had to back to the top of the thread and try to figure out what the heck she was reading..

    Still ROFLMAO


  • Mary

    What do you mean "getting"?

  • minimus

    I'm with Mary. "Getting lazy?"......Witnesses are not the "locusts" that they used to be. They're more like grazing cows.

  • UpAndAtom

    They are not getting lazy. I've heard that they have been encouraged to offload surplus (and old) material. I can't remember the reasoning behind this... but I'm sure there was a reason.

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