Brigitte Gabriel's Epic Answer To "Most Muslims Are Peaceful..."

by Vanderhoven7 23 Replies latest social current

  • LoveUniHateExams

    The young woman's question - 'how do we fight an ideology with weapons?' is a good one.

    But, first things first, Jihadis fight with weapons, so must the West in response. Our great countries must bomb and shoot Jihadis to death. Wipe them out. Destroy them.

    Re the ideology, the West and moderate Muslims must fight against Jihadi ideology. When Jihadists say that infidels must be killed moderate Muslims must speak up about living within Western laws, and put Islamic verses into context.

    The majority of Muslims don't commit atrocities but that kinda misses the point. Islam is not a peaceful religion, all you have to do is consider the example of Muhammad. That dude wasn't peaceful, anything but.

  • JoenB75

    There are 13 countries in the world, where atheism is punishable with death. They are all muslim. In my opinion the biggest problem is multiculturalism. Cultures clash. New people come in who will not surrender their worldview to their new hosts. You Americans have the black/white issue where the black minority is significantly more violent than the white majority. You dont have want another issue. Here in Europe, the great replacement creates a lot of violence and the believers in the necessity of the import of these people are blind to the fact that it causes more violence and will create a more violent society. Ex muslims are clever people, they say protect your European civilisation from the treath. But Europe will not listen. We are heading for more violent times in Europe. Where it will end, only God knows

  • steve2

    There are 13 countries in the world, where atheism is punishable with death. They are all muslim.

    And a few short centuries ago, "Christendom" executed anyone who espoused a different god or no god. This does not "excuse" human rights atrocities in Muslim countries, but it shows that the "West's" own history stands as evidence that slaughter and blood shed are not unique to Islam.

  • JoenB75


    It is true that the people in power did that in Europe. But that is past and the "present truth" is that it is unique to islam. You think about that, liberal

  • JoenB75

    I might add that many muslims in Europe do believe sharia is above western decadence. We saw that recently in France where numerous muslims have been convicted for death threaths against a young woman that somehow blasphemed Muhammed. That is the worldview they bring with them. The liberals will only be allowed to think differently the day the problems come to the neighborhoods of the liberal elite .

  • steve2

    There are 13 countries in the world, where atheism is punishable with death. They are all muslim.

    And a few short centuries ago, "Christendom" executed athiests, with the Roman catholic Church leading the slaughter.

    That doesn't justify the current deplorable "policies" on killing athiests in those 13 Muslim countries - but it highlights the recency of similar responses within Christendom.

  • JoenB75

    What irony when the atheists of the West experience "similar responses" from their beloved imports .

  • EdenOne

    Same question can be raised about Jehovah's Witnesses.

    Are Jehovah's Witnesses a "peaceful people"?

    When they condone ethnic cleansing wars because "it's in the Bible and God ordered it, so it was fair", and advocate a global genocide to wipe out billions of people who don't share their worldview ... are they REALLY a peaceful people?

    Just as "peaceful muslims" being an irrelevant majority because they don't drive the agenda of Islam, the fact that Jehovah's Witnesses may not at the moment bear arms to kill the non-believers is it relevant, in view of the potential danger of the ideology they embrace?

  • Anony Mous
    Anony Mous
    And a few short centuries ago, "Christendom" executed athiests, with the Roman catholic Church leading the slaughter.

    Citation needed. If you point at the Spanish Inquisition, but even at that point in time, there were Jews and various Christian faiths and Muslims and freemasons (atheists/agnostics) living across the Western World. The Inquisition didn't end until the mid-1800s, at which point the US for example was already well established as a free nation, as were the British. Spain, the backwater of Europe, has always been a bit behind on those things.

    Perhaps get educated about the Spanish Inquisition, about 2000-3000 people were killed at the hands of the Inquisitors over a period of 400 years, these were primarily political opponents of the pope (who then reigned as a king). Not excusing it, but just pointing out that it wasn't the eradication of muslims or the eradication of atheists at its goal, it was political persecution under the guise of religious idealism. And it also led directly to religious wars between France and Spain, the British and Spain, protestants and catholics which killed hundreds of thousands of people.

    Today, these Muslim countries not only kill their political opponents, it is open season on everyone from gays to Christians, and if your daughter or wife gets raped, you have to kill them too, the Spanish Inquisition and even the most devout Christians never went that far.

    Also, Muslims now have examples of how to do it right. To excuse their behavior now because thousands of years ago, others did the same is just plain evil. The developed world used to call those people "barbarians".

  • JoenB75

    JW and Muslims resemble eachother when it comes to work rightiousness. But JWs are not overly criminal compared to to other groups and they dont beat up and gangrape people in groups. I recall a case from Sweden where a girl had been raped by a large group in every bodily opening and they had also caused her significant brain damage by repeatedly smashing her head into the concrete floor. Ethnic Europeans dont do that. JWs dont do that. There is a difference.

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