Pls help w/info on CO car leasing....PLEASE!

by LDH 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • LDH

    I am pasting an email I received here, I do not have the concrete answers. I know this person is reading the forum, please if you have the answers, post them here!

    Hello Lisa,

    First of all thankyou for your answer. In France the JW don't know about this system, so how can I proof:

    1. These cars are bought by the congregation. (or WTS)
    2. That this company belongs to the WTS or JW.
    3. Once the car is sold, do the money go in the WTS pocket or CO?
    4. Who pay for the next new car, the WTS, CO, or the congregation?

    Lisa I'm asking the above because nowhere on the site thus it mention JW or WTS. You know that for JW our words are all lies unless we show them all needed information. Sorry for the trouble,

    Have a nice day,


    The URL is NOT registered to the WTS, those sneaky bastards. However, the 'billing contact' is as follows. I am going to call right now and see if they are affiliated, what they will say.

    Billing Contact:
    Geerling, Jeffrey S (JSG108) [email protected]
    Circuit Leasing
    PO Box 6403
    Grand Rapids , MI 49516
    616-940-2000 (FAX) 616-956-1863

    YES they are JWs I just called and a lady named GAYLE answered and verified that they are Witnessess selling used cars!

  • LDH

    Just received an email, hope this helps.

    The more info the merrier!

    it is my understanding that this is handled at the "branch" level. congregations are requested to approve a "suggested expense" for the circuit overseers car items. this is how it used to be done i'm sure. the wts then leases the cars from circuit leasing which i believe is a private company. the co's never take title to the cars and do not get any money when they are sold. i believe all the money from selling them stays at circuit leasing, the private company. a car dealer set this up. previously, the society would purchase cars directly from this dealer. the cars are continually recycled through the system, new ones are leased by wts with money from congs, the old ones get sent back to circuit leasing where they are sold to private parties. co's usually keep the cars for 2-3 years.
    i would suggest that if he is trying to document this that he send and email to the party listed as the contact or call them directly. please don't forward my email address.
    hope this helps in some way.

  • Francois


    That's too rich. And it fits them like a glove. Used Car Salesmen, regarded the world over as the sleaziest of the sleazy - and the JWs are in it up to their eyeballs. Figures.

  • bavman


  • besty

    7 year resurrection - LOL

  • primitivegenius

    yeah its typical jw double dealing and straight out dishonesty. first they get the congs to pay up front for co's expenses through assembly resolutions...... which i heard since ive been out are now handled by the elders at those elders meetings and not even allowing the rank and file to vote on it........ but even when they suggest the resolutions and second and vote......... they dont come out and say exactly what those circuit expenses are. so the cars and apartments that are added onto kingdumb halls...... slide right in. then when the co comes to see your cong...... at the end of his visit...... there is another where they pay for his so called expenses..... includeing gas and other car related expenses.

    and if that wasnt enough........ three or so years later they get new cars and trade the slightly used cars with approxamately 30thousand miles on them....... to sixty thousand.......... to others who arent affiliated directly but who sell the cars to the rank and file for more than a used car dealership would sell them.

    i remember before this happened if you were good friends with the co..... and my family was... they would get you the inside track on THEIR car........ and you could roll up to the place they were gonna drop theirs off at for their new one and you could get their old one...... which cause your friends..... you know that it was kept up properly. my dad was offered this by several co's but he never bought one of their cars.... he just wanted to.

    i remember he got a list from a co or from the brother in the circuit who dealt with all that........ a list of cars..... models, mileage and such...... i took that list and since big shock....... we cleaned car dealerships for a living....... i looked it up in their books. they (the jws) were asking maximum retail price and in many cases more than it for a car with those miles.

    so you pay for the car UP FRONT....... then you pay for the upkeep........ then your supposed to pay above going rate for this car on the back side........... to be more holy....... what a crock

  • bavman
    7 year resurrection - LOL

    I am powerful...

  • willyloman

    To fully understand this, you have to understand auto leasing. In effect, this company (set up by some brothers with the approval of the WTS) is renting the cars to the Society for use by circuit overseers and the contracts are underwritten (i.e. payment guaranteed) by the WTS. As in most leases, the lessee must have a specific level of insurance coverage and is responsible for repairs not covered by warranties, as well as tires, gas and oil. When the lease is up, the cars are returned to the leasing company which cleans them up and sells them as used cars (which, by then, they are).

    Each circuit is required to pay for the CO's car expenses. The way this has evolved is that the elders at a business meeting held at each circuit assembly vote to approve payment of the lease and insurance costs. This is pro-rated based on the number of publishers in each congo in the circuit, and then each congo is reponsible for its share of the expense. Local elders then announce to their congo that they need, say $2 per publisher (or some figure, which varies). The publishers approve the resolution and the dollars are taken out of the congo's bank account and sent to the Society. Meanwhile, individual congo's also receive, at the end of each CO visit, a list of expenses including those for auto repair, gas, and oil. These elders will vote to pay this out of the congo account, and that is later announced to the congo during the service meeting.

    At least, that's the way it worked when I was involved. That's been several years and the procedure may have changed since then.

  • primitivegenius

    EXACTLY...... what WL said.

    so these brothers set up the corporation or whatever............... you cant tell me THEY didnt make any money doing it....... and the prices for the USED cars were astronomical.......... otherwise they would just be sold like normal leased vehicles are........ instead they try to sell them to jws specificly. chargeing a higher price than these same vehicles would bring from a conventional car lot........ and thats saying something.

    if they werent targeting jws specificly they wouldnt be useing a website "circuit leaseing" which is blatantly if not obviously run by jws. when you call these fools you might as well open the conversation with brother or sister.......... whos getting PAID to sell you these cars. kick backs of the highest order. yup yup

  • antoinette

    I need to find a car ASAP and was told this was the place to look. Can someone help me?

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