Does this look like the WT is going to be around a long time? One Watchtower @ One Awake for the public in 2022

by pistolpete 43 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • pistolpete

    I keep hearing that the Watchtower Org is going to be around forever because of the many other religions that have been around a long time.

    But I disagree because the WT is not like other religious Cults.

    The Watchtower's breath of life is dependent on the last days that started in 1914.

    You can’t change 1914 without a DEATH BLOW TO THE ENTIRE ORGANIZATION.

    The Watchtower's 2nd reason for staying alive, is it's continual urging that the LIFE SAVING PREACHING WORK OF WARNING PEOPLE IS THE MOST IMPORTANT WORK EVER.

    BUT- It's very obvious to many, even the old ones that instead of SPEEDING UP THE WORK------the work is slowing down to a drip.

    Comment by former believer;

    I remember them saying the book study in small homes was the most important meeting. A year later the GB saw fit to eliminate it and implement family worship night.

    Every one year to two years a new book for home bible studies would replace the previous one. That's hasn’t been the case for decades.

    Then they introduced the Teaching Toolbox with several pieces of literature featured for RVs and Bible Studies. It still exists, but it's been largely gutted

    But next year 2022 - the Public whose Everlasting life is at stake, will only have the opportunity to receive


    Come on, it’s never been so obvious, even the Titanic had a better chance of not sinking.

  • Sea Breeze
    Sea Breeze

    I agree they are in a serious decline. The waters supplying Babylon are drying up just as the Watchtower foretold. I think this could be the one prophecy they finally get right!

  • Overrated

    The Internet planted and Google watered.

    Anyone can find the fake teaching of Watchtower. It's over. Their Done. No matter how any videos or books or Watchtowers they put out, their done!

  • asp59

    Seems like even Watchtower thinks it's over and they packing down lots of stuff. There Webb page be around and Watchtower studios. Don't know for how long. But KHs and congregations seems to be a thing of the past.

  • dropoffyourkeylee

    I think virtually all printed literature is on the way out, at least in any country or area where people have internet and technology.

  • Slidin Fast
    Slidin Fast

    The GB's last stand at Little big Horn Ramapo is coming. I hope tight pants Tony has his Bowie knife.

  • Disillusioned JW
    Disillusioned JW

    I notice that people on this site and others use the word "cult" in reference to the JW religion and other religions, but I never met a person who ever used the word "sect" while talking to me. Further, oftentimes online extreme critics of the the JW religion call the WT/JW religion a cult, but I never read online critics (in my recollection at least) call it a sect. In contrast, college textbooks on the science of sociology, and entries in encyclopedias and dictionaries about he JW religion, never (in any of the copies I have found) call the JW religion a "cult". In contrast, if they mention the religion they almost always call it a "sect" instead.

    It seems that the general public is unfamiliar with the word "sect" (or disinterested in using that word) and is predisposed to call various religious groups (ones which they find objectionable) "cults", without even thinking that possibly the word "sect" is a more accurate description. Why is that? Since I go with what scientist and scholars say (especially when it agrees with my experience on the topic) when it is not inconsistent with I know from experience to be true, I consider the JW religion to be a sect and not a cult, though it has some cult-like attributes. A college sociology textbook I own defines "sect" as being a group which has some of those cult-like attributes, yet the book reserves the word "cult" for more extreme groups. That same book explicitly labels the JW religion as a sect.

    More specifically regarding the topic of this thread I say the following.

    I agree that the 1914 teaching (in some form, including as the end of the times of the gentiles) is a core teaching of the WT (and its JW religion) and it would be extremely problematic for them to discard it. Likewise a core aspect of the religion is apocalypticism, including the idea that we are living in the time of the end and are in the last days, and that people need to be warned about the great tribulation being extremly near. Getting rid of that teaching would also be extremely problematic for them.

    Regarding the book study in small homes, rather than it being eliminated, didn't it simply relocate to being inside Kingdom Halls and thus becoming the congregational book study (or congregational Bible study) instead (and being of shorter time duration)?

    It does seem to me that the WT's/JW work is greatly slowing down.

    Regarding their literature (besides seeing the downsizing of the number of pages of the WT and the Awake!), I notice that though they have the main scriptural text of the Kingdom Interlinear, Byington's Bible in Living English, the KJV, and the ASV are online at the WT's site, the WT's online editions exclude much of the content of those books. For example they exclude all of the footnotes, alternate readings and alternate renderings, prefaces/introductions, and appendices from those books. As a result a person can not read the complete WT editions of any of those books online at the WT's site (even though the WT's site has images which resemble the front covers of each of those books, in association with the links to the text of those books). The WT's online Kingdom Interlinear also excludes the side margin text of the NWT's Christian Greek Scriptures.

    Yes figuratively "The waters supplying Babylon are drying up just as the Watchtower foretold" and while that applies to the JW religion (though that was not foretold by the WT) it also applies to Christendom/Christianity in the western world (which was foretold by the WT) - and even more so. For examples, consider the following. A dramatically increasing percentage of the USA population no longer identifies as Christian, or even as having a religion at all (whereas the JWs are still experiencing growth in the USA and especially worldwide, according to their published numbers, at least when I last checked such numbers)! In that regard the USA is now finally beginning to catch up with the rest of the industrialized nations of the western world. Now less than 50% of the USA population over age 18 claims to be Christian (for example see and Now even the Southern Baptist Convention (the largest Protestant denomination in the USA) is shrinking in membership numbers in the USA. Lovers of atheism have much to cheer about in regards to such demographics.

  • Disillusioned JW
    Disillusioned JW

    The ultimate main reasons why the WT's predictions about the end have not come true are the following; 1) The Bible's predictions (including those attributed to Jesus and Paul) about the apocalypse and the great tribulation (in the sense of post 134 CE) and the return of Christ are false; 2) the Bible has numerous internal contradictions, making it unreliable in many matters and thus making it hard to properly interpret; 3) the Bible is not the inspired of the God, any god, for no personal God/god even exists - and no supernatural Christ and supernatural Satan/Devil exist either. might be of interest to some of the readers of this web site.

  • pistolpete
    Disillusioned JW

    It seems that the general public is unfamiliar with the word "sect" (or disinterested in using that word) and is predisposed to call various religious groups (ones which they find objectionable) "cults", without even thinking that word "sect" is a more accurate description. Why is that?

    When the general public (Mainly Christianity) goes on the internet to look up the definition of the word cult, this is the first definition they find.

    a religion regarded as unorthodox or spurious

    Further research into the meaning of a "Religious Cult" will lead to the popular mainstream argument of;

    a cult is a religious or semi-religious sect whose members are controlled almost entirely by a single individual or by an organization.

    And for mainstream Christianity, they view cults in this way;

    WHAT IS A CULT- Psuedo-Christian Cults

    Definition; a cult is any group that deviates from the orthodox teachings of the historic Christian faith being derived from the Bible and confirmed through the ancient ecumenical creeds.

    These groups deny or distort fundamental Christian doctrines such as the Trinity, the deity of Christ, and salvation by grace through faith alone. Some cults that would fall into this category are the Mormons, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Christian Science, The Way International, and the Unity School of Christianity.

    Many sites not affiliated with the Watchtower even mention Jehovah's witnesses as a Religious cult based on their personal research.

    Of course the Watchtower has every right deny the accusation. So it's up to the individual to research and make that judgement call.

  • DesirousOfChange

    The Watchtower's breath of life is dependent on the last days that started in 1914.

    You can’t change 1914 without a DEATH BLOW TO THE ENTIRE ORGANIZATION.

    I find that Ex-JW's are more aware of this kind of doctrinal issue than are the typical R&F JW. A much younger JW friend mentioned to my elderly JW mom about the "nearness" of The End being espoused by the Borg. Mom went out on a limb and asked her if she thinks it is any nearer than it was in 1975 or 1941? Of course, this young woman was not even born in 1975 and has no effing idea what all was said, etc. She of course thought all that 1975 stuff was "apostate" exaggeration.

    FACT IS, JW'S DO NOT KNOW WHAT THEY BELIEVE. Ex-JW's have done A LOT more investigating into the Borg than has any JW that I know -- otherwise they would also be an EX-JW.

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