Even energy has to have an origin of its existence.MF:
This type of reasoning is akin to kicking the can down the road. because it implies the act of creating, a source that itself needs to come into existing. and so on it goes.
if we extrapolate the "known" about energy into the past, beyond the Big Bang Beginning, we can be comfortable with the assumption that time and energy are fundamental, uncreated, infinite in age,unthinkable it is t us creatures of this limited, and limiting universe.
Once information is accepted as real (albeit immaterial) SB:
Interesting point. Yes right now we need carriers, embodiments for information, but one could imagine the "truth" about 2x2,or pi, 3,14---, existing by themselves, nd potentially to appear anywhere needed.
Do you believe then, that these abstract "truth", natural laws are present even outside and before this universe, waiting for a place, matter to latch onto?