"Even if it isn't the truth, it's still the best way to live"

by Simon 54 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Simon

    Have you heard that old chestnut? I have.

    Typically it's the last resort when you have dismantled a JWs beliefs and they have no way of defending them. They know they are beat so they come out with that one.

    Its effectively an admission that you are right and they have no argument but they are still going to attend meetings because they like the social club.

    What a lame way to defend your faith.

  • nicolaou
    Yes Simon, I remember starting a topic about that myself. It's a fundamentally dishonest approach to life that deserves no respect.
  • Hadriel

    Embarrassingly I've said the same. You're exactly right, its the response when not much else can be said.

    The further I get away the more I realize others who have never been inside the organization live just as clean and moral lives.

    With the exception of an additional expletive or two most out are similar to those in. You have the same self-righteous types, the same arrogant types, the same gossiper types and so on.

    There are benefits as to how you're raised as a JW but I'm finding many that are just as well mannered and have never seen the inside of a Kingdom Hall.

  • Darkknight757
    Living a lie is NEVER the best way to live.
  • LevelThePlayingField

    Yeah, so if it isn't the truth, that means then that you are telling lies. And you are telling me that telling lies is the best way to live? How does that settle in with the best way to live?

    I wonder how they would react to that one?

  • LoveUniHateExams

    "Even if it isn't the truth, it's still the best way to live" - unless you need a blood transfusion, in which case you're screwed.


    "Even if it isn't the truth, it's still the best way to live"

    Have you heard that old chestnut? I have....Simon

    Many,many times growing up in the WBT$/JW Cult..


    I`ve also watched JWs hold up this book and declare..

    "If the WatchTower says this book is "Red"....Then It`s Red!"


    .................................THE FRIGGIN BOOK IS BLUE!!

    ....................................Image result for Watchtower truth book.

    Image result for a friend told me i was delusional i almost fell of my unicorn.Image result for Watchtower stephen lett

  • freemindfade

    Yes and I almost consciously (not subconsciously) believed it.

    We even used to have an elder (PO and later COBE) say even if it wasn't the truth he wouldn't choose any other way to live.


    Witnesses think they are morally superior, but that is only in the context of the Bronze Age Goat Herder's Guide to the Universe also known as the Bible. According to actual human rights, mental health, and so on, they are a horrible organization and a horrible way to live.

    Every totalitarian movement must have some redeeming qualities they can claim, it doesn't excuse the damning qualities though. its not ideal. I can count the good things being a JW did for me on one hand and they are not the only place you can get those things.

  • talesin
    i also find it very self-righteous and egotistical. They like to pretend that the only honest and good people on the planet are JWS. In fact, they are the same as everyone else - good, bad and indifferent. xx
  • talesin


    the Bronze Age Goat Herder's Guide to the Universe also known as the Bible.

    ahahahahaha, good one. It's too funny. : P

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