Watchtower's Art Department strange and hidden images

by RULES & REGULATIONS 18 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Drearyweather

    A few years back I had a discussion with a friend from the art department who was one of those asked to leave bethel during the budget cuts. When I spoke about subliminal art, he laughed it off saying that what we see are the brush strokes of a tired, over-worked painter, who has done his 19th editing of the image. Adding something subliminal would not even occur for an artist working at WT.

    I don't believe this hidden message crap. what will WT achieve by adding these to their publications? What is the message that they are trying to convey? Since some of these images are from the 70's and 80's, did Fred Franz say something about it, since he was in the GB? Would an average JW have the mental skill and the time to find these hidden messages, among all the constant drumming he has to go through. If it is intended for a few people, then it doesn't make sense to publish it in a public WT.

    To discredit the WT, we need to look for the obvious visible flaws, which we have in abundance, and not subliminal images.

    Brushstrokes create patterns, and patterns may create anomalies, which are quite prevalent in the graphic artist's world.

  • Sea Breeze
    Sea Breeze


    With all due respect... There is much more than "brushstroking" going on here.

    Two men flagrantly celebrating the crucifixion event with public sodomy is as shocking as it gets. And, we are supposed to believe that in 1914, when this was printed, Jesus looked at all the churches and this was the one he chose to be his mouth-piece?

    I know several exJWs who point to WT art as the final straw that led them to believe that the WT is evil and not just misguided.

    Brushstrokes create patterns, and patterns may create anomalies, which are quite prevalent in the graphic artist's world.

    I'm not an artist but the patterns on this zoomed in sleeve is not from bad brushstrokes and a tired artist. Either you see subliminal art or you don't. To me this is intentional!

  • mickbobcat

    If you see to men having sex that tells me more about you than some ink blobs. Not that there is anything wrong with that.

  • Drearyweather
    Two men flagrantly celebrating the crucifixion event with public sodomy is as shocking as it gets.

    The image from the 1927 book Creation is actually an 1890 painting by Max Klinger, the German painter, and not the work of a WT artist.

  • mickbobcat

    If there is an intentional thing semi hidden and I highly doubt it, then its not something you can blame on the cult but it would be an individual artist who may be disgruntled and tried to slip something by ect. The cult has a million things it needs to answer for we don't need to try to make ink blots a thing. It only serves to make us look like we are fresh out of the UFO and Big Foot comicon BS. We have legit complaints and the cult is evil. IMO we need to stop this digging to make something out of nothing.


    I can’t tell what your claiming is hidden in these particular pictures, but I’ve seen plenty that aren’t just “tired brush work.”

    There are too many that took intentional effort and aren’t just “seeing faces in clouds.”

    I can’t remember which magazine it was but there’s a depiction of Armageddon complete with a vortex and Demon/Alien faces in the clouds that took deliberate effort. The Greatest Man book had some artwork removed which showed demon/alien faces as well.


  • truthlover123

    That is why all older publications have been ordered destroyed. The Red Revelation book shown here with Christ and crown and the had coming from the back is also showing the rod in his hand to be made of wood.

    There are several other pictures in the book as well and there is no mistaking they were intentional.

    I have the book.

  • LoveUniHateExams

    One issue here is that looking for 'hidden images' is a bit like looking at the shapes of clouds in the sky, or trying to assign themes and hidden meanings to feature films.

    E.g. - yes, Australia looks like a rabbit nibbling an apple.

    You can interpret it any way you want - it's highly subjective.

    Anyoo, that's my ha' penny worth.

    Carry on!

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