Black communities will fight to the death for black victims even if they are deplorable human beings. She is spot on.
Why does it seem they only do it when they are deplorable human beings?
It seems like a stupid tactic, here's why:
Every time you learn about a black man on TV, he has a long and ugly criminal record. Yet is out and about and committing more crime while we're told that they think he's a great guy, one of their best. It completely goes against the narrative that black men are arrested for being black - it's more that they have unlimited "get out of jail free" cards. It also gives the impression that their scale of good <-> bad behavior is way out of whack.
The leaders of these people only care about cases they can use for political ends, that means a black corpse and white cop, regardless of situation and circumstances.
BLM seem to have zero clue on marketing and image. All you see of black people when BLM are involved are criminal thugs, looters and gangs of blacks beating individual white people (sometimes to death).
And they expect support? Kneeling? They can fuck off.
If their cause is "police violence", they should be 1. not about race and 2. protesting all (and often significantly worse) cases of excessive force used by police.
BLM lack credibility and it's 100% their own doing. They have done more to harm to the plight of black people than the modern day KKK.
Thankfully, there are people like Candace (also Larry Elder, and others) who can speak for the people in the black community that don't believe the BLM crap, the ones the media ignore.