I would like to be able to change my avatar though, but I can’t.
Hello Everyone
by JohnPaul 35 Replies latest jw friends
Welcome JP. As others have said, do research.
I've sent you a P.M. with a question which you should ask the JW you meet with.
They will NOT appreciate you showing them a JW teaching which is contradicted by the Bible, so prepare for their attitude to change.
Welcome @JohnPaul
Before you deep dive into the Watchtower Organisation, can I ask you to please look at all sides? Go to 1 John 4:1 and Colossians2:8Read those scriptures first and then follow this link. https://jwfacts.com/watchtower/watchtower-scandal.php
You can also check out the Jehovah's Witness official website at JW . org This place is not for Jehovah's Witnesses.
Finally, if you wish further reading on my experience of being a witness and why I finally left it, here you go.
https://silentlamb2silentnomore.wordpress.com/2015/07/28/my-story-of-surviving-child-abuse-in-a-cult/ -
Actually, come to think of it. I just watched this man's story today and it is very telling of what it is like as a Jehovah's Witness.
You are of course entitled to do what you please and follow the society if you want to but please be aware that your mental health will be ruined if you do. We are warning you so you will not fall into the same trap that we all did either by default or by design (born in or recruited at the door) because we care. We care about current Jehovah's Witnesses who are trapped within this organisation, we care about current Jehovah's Witnesses who do not realise they are trapped and we care about peope outwith the organisation and don't want you to fall into the same trap.
If you have read all of this, watch the following story and any other story with an open mind and still continue on your path into Watchtower, I wish you luck on your journey and hope you never get harmed within it. -
I just joined this community today and from what I can see there is a great many people who love new members. But if you are studying seriously with witnesses, this really might not be the best place for you. But if it's just out of curiosity, I extend a very warm welcome from a new member to a new member and hope you find truth rather than indoctrination