Will George Ever Get His Man???

by Satanus 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • Satanus

    I'm not talking about uncle saddam. I'm talking about the alleged terrorist mastermind, who allegedly fired the first shot, so to speak, and took 3000 lives in new york. Cowboy george had this master terrorist dead in his sites. He was going to get him wherever he went, and also get those hiding him. It seems georgie hits everything except his target. Due to a sudden memory lapse, some say divine intervention, he forget who his target was. When his senses were returned to him, he had a new target, bad old unca saddam.

    What happened mr bush? What about your revenge for those 3000?

    SS, who knows unc sadd is an ***h***, as are most of the world's dictators

  • heathen

    Yeah , with a 100 billion dollar price tag and a 450 billion dollar debt I'm starting to wonder who really won this thing .

  • William Penwell
    William Penwell


    You are not to far off here, the American's may have played right into bin Laden's hands. He said he was going to ruin the US bring them to their knee's. So far with the US debt and the quagmire they have got themselves in with Iraq and Afghanistan, he maybe not that far wrong.


  • Aztec
    He said he was going to ruin the US bring them to their knee's.

    I don't think George needed Osama's help.

    I reregistered to vote in my new district...


  • George W Bush
    George W Bush

    U.S. Appoints Bin Laden to Run Iraq

    (2003-07-31) -- U.S. Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld announced today that Usama bin Laden has been named to head the interim government in Iraq. Mr. bin Laden will immediately appoint a cabinet which will develop a constitution and schedule popular elections as early as this summer.

    "We were looking for someone who had the respect of the Shi'ite Mulsims in Iraq, and had a lot of connections there," said Mr. Rumfeld. "We think they will cooperate well with Mr. bin Laden who has the best interests of the Iraqi people at heart. Under his tolerant leadership, they'll have a true representative government to rival any in the Muslim world."

    Mr. bin Laden, who is dead, could not be reached for comment.

  • Stan Conroy
    Stan Conroy

    Osama Bin Laden should be put in charge of Iraq. If he was capable of organizing the 9/11 attacks from a cave in the middle of nowhere, he would make a great leader! Imagine what he could do with Iraq! Find him a cave to be his headquarters, and he could run Iraq by communicating his desires on grainy, bearly audible videotapes which he could leave lying around for someone to find and attempt to translate.


  • badwillie
    N BC News /Wall Street Journal Poll conducted by the polling organizations of Peter Hart (D) and Robert Teeter (R). July 26-28 , 200 3 . N= 1,007 adults nationwide. MoE ± 3.1 .

    "In general, do you approve or disapprove of the job George W. Bush is doing as president?"








    7/26-28/03 56 38 6
    5/17-19/03 62 31 7
    4/12-13/03 71 23


  • William Penwell
    William Penwell

    One way Bush could save face.


    Congratulations Mr.Hussiem, now that we have screwed you country up, you can have it back.

  • George W Bush
    George W Bush

    Mr. Penwell if you are correct about Iraq being better off before the war then perhaps I've made a serious mistake. Let me show you a statement issued by the EU just prior to our attacks.

    The statement read, in part, "The Iraqi regime alone will be responsible for the consequences if it continues to flout the will of the international community and does not take this last chance."

    An unnamed EU spokesman said if Iraq refuses to disarm, "UN inspectors will leave the country, and the Iraqi government will have to continue searching for weapons of mass destruction with no help from other nations."

    Negotiations over the precise wording of the EU statement took hours, but the consensus was, as a French diplomat put it, "No more Monsieur Nice Guy."

    I recall a statement made by Saddam just before he relocated the Presidential Palace in a sewer located near a lovely park in Bagdad where he said:

    "We have stood up to the United States, and defied the United Nations, but who can resist the awesome power of a united Europe? We cannot afford to hire hundreds of inspectors, so we must finally comply with all applicable Security Council resolutions."
    I thought Saddam was lying, my bad. I didn't really think the EU could enforce their will. Now Iraq will have an average wage of even lower than the 3 dollars a month during Saddams regime.
  • Satanus


    Mr. bin Laden, who is dead

    You quibble over the smallest of details. He is the perfect mastermind for getting iraq up on it's feet. The organisational abilities he showed in carrying out the wtc attacks, including sliding his teams of desert hicks past the the inquiring eyes of the worlds top intelligence networks, such as mi6, mossad, nsa, cia, fbi, dia, kgb; all from his world headquarters in some mountain cave, using only a only a cellphone and a donkey. Iraq would be a meerly an afternoons exercise for a man of his powers.


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