Shoot. Trying to post this Tom Waits song . I'll try again.
For Martin Luther King's Day: Freedom Songs
by flipper 24 Replies latest jw friends
Trying to post the song " Road to Peace " by Tom Waits if anybody is able to do it without offending copyright issues ? Thanks. Jesus freaking Christ -
I'll give it a try, Flipper
Oh, and LovesUni - yup, that's true. I got to see him in concert in 2010, and heard it live. He did write it re the race wars in the USA. Sir Paul = love, that's all I can say. xx
EDIT: Can you see the link? I can, but that means exactly nothing. :P
TALESIN- Hey thanks for posting the song from Tom Waits my friend ! You're the best ! Take care, Peace out, Mr. Flipper
Glad it worked. ; ) xx