I dunno about you, but if I walked up to this display at an expo I'd be a little creeped out.
Creepy display
by neat blue dog 41 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Stephen King got nothing on Watchtower.
We don't even recognize the religion (cult) that we were raised in! Just left 6 plus years ago!
They look like Scientologists!!
What??? Where is this, do you know?
scary stuff. If you told me on the 90’s that this would be happening.... no one would believe it!
The commercialization of the religion has gone to unimaginable places.
Before it was just literature, books, bibles, magazines, cassettes tapes, dvd's.
Now its ties, pens, scarfs. key chains, button lapels, umbrellas
Oh yes the biggest change is using a web site (JWorg.) and having video monitors at the front podium of Kingdom halls playing the latest propaganda talks from the GB men.
20 years ago the WTS was condemning computers and even quoted a couples of scriptures to support their position.
Commercialized false prophesying (Charlatanism) has come into the 21st. century.
They look like they're all animatronic.
Do they break out in a chirpy rendition of "From House to House" when you press the start button?
Looks way too slick and commercial, like the stand belonged to a bank or something. The message that comes over is " These people want to sell me something"
What kind of expo was it?
stan livedeath
jw dot organs.