His assumptions are very offensive to every Elder serving. He is telling them that Jesus will appoint men from amongst those in positions higher than themselves, the CO's and GB helpers. There are a number of Elders who have more sincere spiritual qualities than those serving higher up. It's usually their circumstances or their being overlooked for appointment that keeps them in the positions that they are in. They are the ones that have had families and take their jobs seriously in being the financial provider.
They pretend to know what is going to happen in the future and have been spouting off with new ideas of late. Jackson made mention of it in this months Broadcast. They are pulling out their ideas from nowhere but rattle of scriptures plucked from here and there and in this case, Flodin reads out from publications as if they are from the bible itself.
Why is it that immediately after Armageddon the number required to serve as 'Princes' will be significantly reduced? As a rough estimate there would be approximately 1 CO for 75 Elders (I've got no idea and it is purely based on 1 CO controlling 15 congregations with 5 Elders in each). That's one 'Prince' for every 1,500 people. He's instantly going to need superhuman powers.
Then Flodin has to somehow include the females. They've been doing this a lot lately. Even though there will be no such appointments for them (unless they're going to heaven) but they must reach out and attain the same qualities as the Elders. He twisted the scripture which explains the qualities required of appointed men, even though he denied it in one breath but by doing so, he says females should be taking on the role of 'presiding over her own household'. (1 Tim 2:3&4). Surely they see that as the husbands role but this just demonstrates how they're happy to misapply scripture.
It really irked me when he said that twice a year they review MS's to see whether they should be appointed as Elders. How about they implement a system where twice a year, they review whether an Elder, CO, GB helper and even a GB member should retain their positions? Their whole structure would fail if they were responsible enough to do this.