Public speaking skills, fluency in foreign language while attending congregation in NY, current income from training received as editor in writing department at Bethel, . . .
Has Your JW Background Benefited You In Any Way?
by minimus 44 Replies latest jw friends
just fine
It taught me to be self reliant. The shunning and manipulation made me realize no one was going to save me, I had to save myself. Learning to rely on myself to better my situation has been invaluable.
Bungi Bill
It did help me overcome the almost crippling shyness that once affected me. (Not that overcoming this was a pleasant experience!)
However, for every benefit being a JW brought, there must have been at least 20 disadvantages.
I probably would never have learned the word “ignominiously.“.
Bungi Bill
Words like that were only commonplace when Crazy Fred used to write the publications!
I learned how to sit quietly for hours during extremely boring meetings.
I learned how to nod my head in agreement (like a f*cking bobble head doll) when a stupid comments were made from the speakers/conductors and the audience during a meeting.
I learned how to take my young children to the back or outside and spank them because they were acting like little children during meant-for-adult-only meetings. (what an a**hole I was)
But being a jw as a teenager in the 60's probably kept me from using drugs and fornicating.
just saying!
days of future passed
eyeus2badub - But being a jw as a teenager in the 60's probably kept me from using drugs and fornicating.
There is that. But it also set me up for low self esteem, depression, anxiety and hopelessness. On top of that, I didn't take care of myself physically.
I met my wife via the Witnesses. My experience has provided inspiration for a novel I'm trying to publish.
I would like to think there was some good that resulted from our being a Witness at one time.
Here's something that I found that growing up a JW shielded me from. In the city where I live, every other person is in therapy. You want to make it big in NY? Forget acting, become a psychologist.
As a young adult free of the JWs, I decided to throw my first Thanksgiving/Holiday party. I invited my friends, and to my surprise they loved the idea of spending what I thought was supposed to be a family-oriented day, with me and not with their families.
During the dinner, I found out why. Here are the things that I learned that some people go through during the holiday season:
- At the time, there were more suicides during that season that any other month of the year
- Lots of people have lots of resentments towards family members, unresolved conflicts, or downright traumas, so they feel forced to meet family when they prefer no to
- Many people see that time as a day where they have to be forced to be in the right mood, and stop their lives to pretend that they are happy when they are not
- Lots of people go to support groups, 12-step programs, or other forms of support during that time more than through the rest of the year
- A lot of people are very angry and resentful feeling that they have to spend money, host people they don't really like, and pretend that everything is ok during those days
- A lot of people get in debt, pressured to look perfect
- Those who believe in keeping up with the Joneses submit themselves to even more pressure because they feel that they have to impress others or "top the year before"
I've heard so many negative and horrible holiday related stories, that it started making me feel glad that as an adult I can concentrate in what I believe the holiday season is supposed to be for.
I guess as far as staying clear of gambling, drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, and taking greater care of sexual practices, I would have to say yes I did help me. That been said however I was practically middle aged when I left and my reasons for leaving were a lot different from someone who leaves in there late teens to early 20 and quite often the results can be disasterous.