Final talk of the 2020 'Always Rejoice' Convention

by Listener 20 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Listener

    This is part of Splane's lecture in the final part of the final day of the 2020 Convention

    Now speaking of broadcasting. Do you think Jehovah has been preparing us for something like this pandemic?

    I think it is very scary that Lett, who claims to be part of the FDS states that "Sometimes we don't know ourselves why certain decisions are made or why we are making certain decisions" Since he says that Jehovah does know then he is making the assumption that it is God directing them but how does that even work? They know they are not inspired so how is it that they make decisions but don't know why they made them?

    He talks about the delight that they will feel that their interpretation of the destruction of BTG was spot on when it happens and it will prove them right as God's channel. On that basis, the fact that they were proven wrong, after the fact, about 1914, 1925, 1975 and other dates should have already demonstrated to them that they were not God's channel. But it's always about some future event or some invisible event that they need to point to, where there is no current evidence.

    But the fact that he points to some current Brothers (and no doubt, ones that have left) as being 'obsessed' about what he considers to be 'minor details' and it interfering with their worship is a nasty put down to those that are more sincere about true Bible teachings. It's as if he is saying, don't worry about what we teach, or even if we have God's name wrong, go not let it prevent you from worshipping our organization.

  • Justaguynamedmorph

    “Even when we are wrong we are right” has long been their motto.

    they used to brag that Russel had his calculations wrong with respect to the end if the gentile times. He didnt account for a zero year and still ended up at 1914.

    They gave a talk about 10 years ago, and of course the requisite studyxarticle followed, that flat out said even if they are wrong dubbs are still obligated to go along because they are gods channel... so its good to be the king, i suppose.

  • Listener

    It looks like the part of the talk I was trying to quote has disappeared.

    Here it is

    Now speaking of broadcasting. Do you think Jehovah has been preparing us for something like this pandemic?

    Think about this. A few years ago, the decision was made to set up something like JW Broadcasting and at the time, who knew how practical an arrangement that was going to turn out to be? And who knows, what uses JWB will be put to in the future? Jehovah knows. Jehovah looks ahead. Sometimes we don't know ourselves why certain decisions are made or why we are making certain decisions but Jehovah knows. Jehovah is our joy.
    And here's another thing, when the theme for this convention was being chosen, there was no Coronovirus on the horizon. Yet, can you think of a better theme for a convention than this one? Joy. What an appropriate theme for a convention...

    What other religious organization foretells the destruction of a World Empire of False Religion? We're the only ones, because the others are all part of Babylon the Great. They're not going to foretell the future of the destruction in the future. So the destruction is going to be a surprise to everyone but Jehovah's Witnesses. And when it occurs, there will be no doubt in your minds that you're on the winning side, that you're on Jehovah's side.

    Some Brothers get all upset over some detail that they don't think that the organization has the right take on. It might be the pronunciation of God's name or the meaning of that name. Or the meaning of some verse in the Scriptures. They get all upset, they get obsessed over one detail and it interferes with their worship. But when BTG goes down, will there be any doubt as to which channel Jehovah God has been using all this time to do his will? You will be soooo glad that you are on the winning side.
  • WTWizard

    Of course, that thing would know about this "pandemic"--it created it, and the whole mess around it. Also, joke-hova knows about the mandatory coronavirus shot, along with all the DNA altering garbage therein, because it is the one responsible for it. When it is time, that thing will claim to have prepared its people for it--a total lie.

  • eyeuse2badub

    What Splane should have said is that, instead of preparing us for this pandemic, jehober should have fucking prevented it.

    But I suppose that jehober wanted to see hundreds of faithful jw's die from Covid-19!

    just saying!

  • Anders Andersen
    Anders Andersen
    And here's another thing, when the theme for this convention was being chosen, there was no Coronovirus on the horizon. Yet, can you think of a better theme for a convention than this one? Joy. What an appropriate theme for a convention...

    Hahaha such a funny guy. The whole convention utterly ignores current events. Apparently they only updated the last talk to include a reference to corona?

    If anything this convention and all current literature show how little foresight JW and their imaginary friend Jehovah have...

  • Gorbatchov



  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad
    And here's another thing, when the theme for this convention was being chosen, there was no Coronovirus on the horizon. Yet, can you think of a better theme for a convention than this one? Joy.

    Yet, can you think of a better theme for a convention than this one? that you mention it...the 2018 Convention theme would of been way more appropriate...'Be Courageous' or the 2017 Convention theme...'Don't Give Up'!

    Me thinks that either God or WT or someone was a bit off on their timing!

  • waton

    From a distance with the song togo with it.

  • Magnum
    Some Brothers get all upset over some detail

    So, details don't matter? What exactly classifies some teaching or piece of information as "detail" about which one doesn't have to be concerned? Where is the line between teachings that are considered "detail" and those that aren't - those that really matter?

    If details don't matter, then why read the Bible and try to understand all of it? Why have The Kingdom Interlinear that allows for analyzing the Greek in the New Testament? Why have all the publications they've produced over the years like the Revelation Climax book?

    It just doesn't make sense. They're beginning to sound like the churches against whom they preach. "Just believe; just trust. Don't worry about or get bogged down by details."

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