This is part of Splane's lecture in the final part of the final day of the 2020 Convention
Now speaking of broadcasting. Do you think Jehovah has been preparing us for something like this pandemic?
I think it is very scary that Lett, who claims to be part of the FDS states that "Sometimes we don't know ourselves why certain decisions are made or why we are making certain decisions" Since he says that Jehovah does know then he is making the assumption that it is God directing them but how does that even work? They know they are not inspired so how is it that they make decisions but don't know why they made them?
He talks about the delight that they will feel that their interpretation of the destruction of BTG was spot on when it happens and it will prove them right as God's channel. On that basis, the fact that they were proven wrong, after the fact, about 1914, 1925, 1975 and other dates should have already demonstrated to them that they were not God's channel. But it's always about some future event or some invisible event that they need to point to, where there is no current evidence.
But the fact that he points to some current Brothers (and no doubt, ones that have left) as being 'obsessed' about what he considers to be 'minor details' and it interfering with their worship is a nasty put down to those that are more sincere about true Bible teachings. It's as if he is saying, don't worry about what we teach, or even if we have God's name wrong, go not let it prevent you from worshipping our organization.