Driving by a KH yesterday we saw a for sale sign in front of the building. They want $270,000.00 for it. It's on a beautiful piece of property off a main road outside the city limits. The building can be no more than 10 years old and is very beautiful. The 4200 sq. ft. building has two congregation in it. Down the road about 15 miles away a newly renovated KH is also for sale. So three congregations are gone and being moved into other congregations. The only one left is two blocks away and it has two congregations in it. My wife and I find this to be very interesting considering this area had 5 congregations now I guess only 2 congregations.
It could be lack of jobs or people are moving away. I know of 2 ex. KH building in this area now there will be 4. Thought you all would like to know. Still Totally ADD