Noah receives instructions from Jehovah ...It's 2450 BCE. Noah set to work as a builder and "a preacher of righteousness," warning that wicked generation of impending destruction. Others listened and watched as Noah built the ark. They laughed and saw no signs of rain. Imagine you were there and the years passed... 2449 BCE, No Rain, ha ha, 2448 BCE, No Rain, ha ha, 2447 BCE No Rain, ha ha... down to 2371, would this be the year? No rain again, ha ha, Noah must be crazy with that stupid ark!... 2370 BCE, you're dead. Noah and his family survived.
Destruction of Jerusalem foretold ... It's 66 AD... You are a Christian that knows what Jesus foretold about Jerusalem. The Romans suddenly withdraw. It's time to run.. oh wait there's no tribulation yet...67 AD You still don't see anything happening...68 AD Still nothing maybe these Christians are wrong...69 AD No sign of the end yet, these stupid Christians don't know what they talking about, look how stupid they look fleeing to the mountains!... 70 AD You're dead.
Proverbs 1:22-33... "How long will YOU inexperienced ones keep loving inexperience, and [how long] must YOU ridiculers desire for yourselves outright ridicule, and [how long] will YOU stupid ones keep hating knowledge? Turn back at my reproof. Then to YOU I will cause my spirit to bubble forth; I will make my words known to YOU. Because I have called out but YOU keep refusing, I have stretched out my hand but there is no one paying attention, and YOU keep neglecting all my counsel, and my reproof YOU have not accepted, I also, for my part, shall laugh at YOUR own disaster, I shall mock when what YOU dread comes, when what YOU dread comes just like a storm, and YOUR own disaster gets here just like a storm wind, when distress and hard times come upon YOU. At that time they will keep calling me, but I shall not answer; they will keep looking for me, but they will not find me, for the reason that they hated knowledge, and the fear of Jehovah they did not choose. They did not consent to my counsel; they disrespected all my reproof. So they will eat from the fruitage of their way, and they will be glutted with their own counsels. For the renegading of the inexperienced ones is what will kill them, and the easygoingness of the stupid is what will destroy them. As for the one listening to me, he will reside in security and be undisturbed from dread of calamity."
2 Peter 3:3,4... For YOU know this first, that in the last days there will come ridiculers with their ridicule, proceeding according to their own desires and saying: "Where is this promised presence of his? Why, from the day our forefathers fell asleep [in death], all things are continuing exactly as from creation’s beginning."